How To Teach A Child To Keep Order

How To Teach A Child To Keep Order
How To Teach A Child To Keep Order

Very often we scold children for a mess, but many of us do not even think about how to accustom a child to cleanliness in the house. The most important thing is to set the right example for your child. Several simple rules will also come in handy in this matter.

How to teach a child to keep order
How to teach a child to keep order

Very often, children take the initiative and try to help their mother clean up the house: they sweep the floors, put kitchen utensils in different cabinets. Usually from this "order" it only gets worse. But you can't yell at children and say that you don't need to do anything. From this, the baby will lose the desire to help. On the contrary, you need to praise the child, say what a fine fellow he is, what kind of helper he will be for mom.

The child needs to be shown and told how to put things in order correctly. The order should be not only in the nursery, but throughout the house. The child must see that everything around him is clean and tidy, all things are laid out in their places. Together with the child, you can sort all the toys into cabinets and shelves. For example, put all the cars in one box, let it be their garage; put all the animal figurines on a separate shelf that will become a zoo.

There is no need to do so that there is an overabundance of toys, the child's attention will be scattered, it is difficult for him to concentrate on one game and keep order. A good method is to hide some of the toys and then take them out. After a while, for example, after a month, it is worth getting the toys out of a secluded place and hiding the next batch. If the child is small, then he quickly forgets about his toys, and the newly appeared cars or dolls seem new to him.

You should definitely help your child in cleaning, you do not need to leave him alone and force him to clean his room. It is advisable to provide all possible assistance, but not to do everything for him. The things on the shelves and drawers should be accessible for the baby so that he learns to take them and then put them back on their own.

Getting into order is a rather long process, up to several months, and in some cases even years. But if the goal is correctly achieved, the child will learn not only to clean up after himself, but also to maintain order without outside help. You can't give up a job you have started halfway through. Be prepared for the fact that at first the apartment will be a complete mess, but over time everything will be fine and the child will learn to easily get along with his toys, he will clearly know where what lies and where it needs to be cleaned.
