Toys scattered all over the house, books, pencils, crumpled clothes, searching for the right thing … About whether it is possible to teach a dirty person to order and how to do it.
Very often, adults themselves cannot accurately determine the difference between order and disorder, but nevertheless, every mother considers it her duty to accustom her child to order. Some easily get their baby to put away toys, arrange books on shelves and even wipe dust in places accessible to him, while others, with varying success, wage war with a child who does not want to take off dirty shoes at the door.
It is believed that girls are more accurate, they are more likely to pay attention to their appearance. It is easier for them to explain that a crumpled dress does not look as attractive as neatly hung in a closet, and dirty shoes do not shine as well as well-groomed ones. Boys, on the other hand, even if they like smart clothes, in the excitement of the game, they can easily get dirty, tear them, without worrying too much about this.
In addition to gender differences, much depends on the temperament of the baby. It is easier for an attentive, quiet and calm child to instill the skills of cleanliness than for a temperamental minx, but it is possible to do this. And you need to start as early as possible.
Already at a year and a half, a child can collect his own toys. At this age, it is still difficult for him to keep attention on the same type of actions for a long time, and the task of the parents is not to let the baby get bored. Let your toddler bring toys to you while you put them in a box or shelf, and then you can switch roles. It is important not to miss the moment when the baby can cope on his own, otherwise you run the risk of running into a aching schoolboy who asks for help to put the books on the table.
A two-year-old child may well bring you his plate after eating when you wash the dishes, put his clothes on the highchair before bed, and a little later to clean up the scraps of paper and other rubbish after doing creative work.
It is very important that all adults in the family have a common vision of how to clean the house. If you require your baby to carefully put things on the bedside table near the crib, then other family members should not leave their belongings anywhere.
Organize the space in your home so that the cleaning process is not too difficult. Explain the basic principles to your child - a toy box, a book shelf, a wardrobe. If you notice that the shelves and drawers do not hold all the contents, then increase their volume or get rid of unnecessary things, otherwise it will be quite difficult to keep order.
Attention to the process. Try to make the cleaning process fun, for example, arrange a parade of soldiers beautifully placed on a shelf, watch cars, or send dolls to sleep by placing them in cribs and boxes. Draw the baby's attention to how nice and cozy it became after cleaning, so that he associates it with comfort and convenience. And in any case, do not appoint cleaning as a punishment, for example, instead of a walk.