Without accustoming the child to order, while he is still small, in the future it will be difficult to demand neatness and cleanliness from him. How should you educate a baby so that he has a desire to take care of the cleanliness of his things, put them in place, and put away toys? Try to get creative.

Step 1
When all the toys are scattered around the room and you want your kid to collect them, come up with a fun game. Show him how, from a short distance, you can throw a plush bunny or a ball into a toy box; cars can enter the box like a garage; dolls - "go to bed", etc. Children love to play, so fantasize.
Step 2
If you are going to do the laundry, find a job for the baby too. Pour some water into a basin, add baby foam and invite him to wash his socks, and then hang them on the radiator. For a while he will be happy to do his laundry, and you will have the opportunity to calmly finish yours.
Step 3
Loading laundry into the washing machine? Ask your child to help you throw his dirty things, and after washing, take them out together, put them in a basin, and then hang them up to dry.
Step 4
Show your child how things are in your closet. Invite him to try folding his pants and blouses together.
Step 5
When cleaning, call a little cleaner for help. Tell him that the insidious sorceress has scattered dust particles in his room, and now the dolls (bear, bunny) cannot breathe, they cough and sneeze. Give the baby a small damp cloth and show how to help the toys, and along with the mother.
Step 6
Let your child wash some of the dishes. Fiddling with water is a favorite pastime for kids. Pour some warm water and liquid baby soap into the sink, put the not the most fragile objects and let the child wiggle them. It doesn't matter that then you have to wash everything again. Wipe the dishes together with a towel and put them in the cupboard. Do not get tired of thanking your baby for help and do not scold if he accidentally drops and breaks something.
Step 7
Buy a small baby watering can and water the flowers with your baby, each with his own.
Step 8
The main thing is that when a child is eager to do something himself, do not refuse him, do not discourage him, because it will be much more difficult to teach a teenager to order than a baby.