There is a whole world in the children's room. Little kids here have fun, study, rest. Parents know how difficult it is sometimes to teach a toddler to keep order. Try to turn this process into a fun game.

Step 1
You can think of all kinds of games. For example, invite your toddler to put toys together, competing to see who will do it faster. Or put cars, balls, cubes in two baskets - who will collect the most. Give your kid a chance to win. And for the victory you can reward him.
Step 2
Examples of book heroes will help to have a positive effect on the baby. You can find suitable stories and poems in children's literature. And being a creative person, you can easily compose a fairy tale on your own, for example, about a bear, from which all the toys have run away.
Step 3
Make picking up toys a ritual. Do it at the same time every day. Do this with your little one, for example, before a walk and before bedtime.
Step 4
Provide a suitable storage space for toys. It should be convenient for the kid to put them in a basket or box. And the appearance of the store should be liked by the little one, attracting his attention with an interesting design.
Step 5
In the matter of maintaining order, it is very important to teach the baby by example. Leaving behind uncleaned things, it is difficult to convince a child of the need to maintain order. Tell your little one why you need to be careful.