Many parents complain that their children are slovens. They do not want to clean up their room, refuse to wash the dishes, throw things all over the place. However, children are not born with the ability to put things in order, they need to instill the necessary skills. Therefore, instead of scolding a child for a mess, it is better to think about how to teach a son or daughter to take care not only of themselves, but also of their homes. This can be done if you have patience, and most importantly, set a positive example. Because it is unlikely that a careless mother who has forgotten what cleanliness and order is, will grow up a clean daughter …

Step 1
It is necessary to accustom the child to order from an early age. As a rule, children begin to show interest in their mother's cleaning activities already in the second year of life. You should not interrupt their interest, say "move away, do not interfere!". It is better to give the child a small rag, let him also carry it on the floor or "wipe" the closet. With the help of these play movements, your son or daughter will get used to cleaning the house from childhood.
Step 2
For children, a boring activity like cleaning should be associated with something enjoyable. Therefore, every evening you can have a “cleanliness minute”. Make them in the form of a holiday: turn on funny music, put on a special "Super-Clean" costume on your child (it can be just shorts and a T-shirt, or an apron with a bandana, depending on what the baby is doing). As the commander of the ship (apartment), give your superhero a task: put all the toys, dust off, wipe the table … It is advisable that every evening your tasks for cleaning were different, otherwise the child will quickly get bored. And take no more than 15 minutes to clean-up the game. But - every day.
Step 3
Order is too general a concept for children, some do not understand what it should be composed of. Therefore, make it easier for your child. Don't say "put things in order", but explain point by point what needs to be done to keep the house clean. For example: first dust off the shelves, then place books and toys on them, then put the clothes in the closet and fold them neatly … If your child already reads well, write him a plan for the day and hang it in a prominent place. Boys learn especially well such clear tasks.
Step 4
You should be the main example for your baby in putting things in order in the house. If you want your child to stop cluttering up the space around, show him how to do it. Keep your apartment clean, and most importantly, do the cleaning in front of your son or daughter. Otherwise, they will grow in the confidence that the dust disappears and the dishes are washed by themselves. From early childhood, while tidying, give them instructions: submit a scoop, rinse a rag, put a book in place, water a flower from a watering can. With age, tasks should become more difficult, but gradually. You should not protect your child from domestic work for up to ten years, and then suddenly attack him with accusations that he is not doing anything around the house.