Have you ever noticed how children are different? In one family there can be both an unrestrained, brave and straightforward child, and a calm, slightly cowardly and sensitive child. But this, of course, does not mean that all this should be left as it is, because the educational process should be present throughout a person's life, and the greatest responsibility in this matter lies with the parents.

The result of parental educational work should be an adequate self-esteem of the child himself. If this is so, then all the problems that arise in one way or another in the child's adult life will be perceived by him without pain, sadness and disappointment.
It is remarkable that the upbringing of personality originates from the mother's womb. At this time, the task of parents is to treat everything calmly, tolerantly and patiently, because it is during the nine months of pregnancy that emotional stability, trust, secrecy, caution, shyness, self-confidence and many similar character traits are laid in the unborn child …
All these character traits should be combined and harmonized with each other, and this harmony entirely depends on the emotional state of the parents during pregnancy. This, one might say, is the foundation of personality.
And so the baby was born, in which there is a lot of interesting and new things for him, but, nevertheless, the development of the personality is far from complete: only the first stage has been passed. During the first year of life, the child continues to establish his personal character traits, the foundation of which was laid during pregnancy. And during the first year of life, it is important for a child that both parents are close. This is the second stage of personality formation.
It is necessary that both parents take the child in their arms as often as possible, hug him, kiss him and show him their love in every possible way. But all these feelings should be "given" to the child only when the parents themselves are in a good mood. If the mood is "below zero", you shouldn't go into the nursery at all. Both good and bad moods are very easily and quickly transmitted to the child, and if it is negative, the child will grow up to be irritable and angry.