What does it take to grow a free, interesting, intelligent, strong and kind nature out of a child? When a child appears in the house, free time and peace disappears. Parents should be prepared for the unexpected at all times. Sometimes there is not enough experience and knowledge, that's when you need to turn to literature and specialists.

Here are some tips, following which, parents will be able to choose the right reference point in raising a child.
Psychologists and educators argue that someone else's example is the best form of learning for children.
At an early age, children copy their parents, later older friends, idols. And if your words do not correspond to your behavior, then the child will repeat what he saw, and not what he heard. Along with this, misunderstanding and resistance will be born in him.
There is no need to shift your unfulfilled dreams onto the child. He is a completely different person who needs to live his life, and not a means to your goal. Help him become himself.
Reminding the child of what has been done for him devalues your relationship and teaches the child the relationship: you are me, I am you.
Teach children to be grateful by their example, after each request that the child fulfills, be sure to say: "Thank you!"
Learn with compassion to listen to the child's problems, no matter how trivial, in your opinion, they are important for him and not surmountable. Helpful advice and support is what he expects from you at that moment, not criticism or condemnation.
Never insult a child, no matter what happens. In doing so, you maintain your authority and give your child confidence in their abilities. Especially in the presence of other children or adults.
Your child is not like other children. Love and accept him for who he is: with his flaws and virtues.
Love other people's children and treat them the way you would like others to treat your children. "There are no other children!" - let this phrase become key in your life and never leave other people's children in trouble.
And finally, let me remind you that when a child appears in the house, free time and peace disappear, but instead happiness appears. Take care of it!