Not all adults follow the correct diet, and even children are generally against any regimes and rules. Sometimes you need to work very hard to get a child to eat something healthy, and even about how to teach a child to eat right and on time - and it's scary to think.

Step 1
Don't be afraid to set a precise meal schedule that spans the entire week, both weekdays and weekends. Remember that when you change from an ordinary working day to a weekend, the consistency of the diet is lost. Allow a couple of snacks on the regime, but at other times, firmly convince the child to wait for lunch.
Step 2
Distinguish between dessert and snack. It is better if in the diet there are 2-3 snacks and only 1 "dessert", i.e. the time when children are allowed to eat something sweet. Well, as a snack, you can use muesli, yoghurts, nuts, small sandwiches.
Step 3
Try to teach children to drink carbonated mineral water instead of ordinary imported soda and lemonade. They only raise blood sugar levels, which makes kids hyperactive.
Step 4
Avoid giving children plenty of fluids while waiting for a meal. This will discourage their appetite.
Step 5
Don't forget the fun! Try to turn the boring obligations of a scheduled meal into a whole performance and you will see how your child responds with joy and pleasure to your play.
Step 6
Organize a grocery shopping trip with your kids. It is also worth involving the child in the cooking process. As usual, children are much more interested in eating exactly what they did with their own hands.