Urine tests are mandatory studies that provide doctors with information about the state of the child's urinary system. Most often, urine is taken for a general analysis, with the help of which the condition of the kidneys and bladder is determined. To obtain reliable research results, it must be properly assembled.

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Step 1
Before passing urine tests, the child needs to be prepared. On the eve of the procedure, do not give him vegetables or fruits that are brightly colored: beets, red apples or peppers. They can affect the color of your urine. Give your child a drink as usual, do not allow excessive fluid intake, this affects the density of urine. If possible, do not give him medications or herbal preparations, and if the course of treatment cannot be interrupted, inform the doctor who will interpret the test results.
Step 2
Prepare a container for collecting urine. Thoroughly wash and sterilize the jar with a lid by holding it over the steam for 15 minutes. Or get a disposable urine collection bag from the pharmacy, it is suitable for a child of any gender.
Step 3
Collect urine for analysis only in the morning. It is advisable to bring it to the laboratory no later than three hours after collection, otherwise yeast cells will begin to form there. Before collecting urine, wash your child with soap or a weak solution of potassium permanganate. If urine is taken from a girl, it is important when washing away that the water flows from front to back. If in a boy, when washing, you need to open the glans of the penis and wash it, but this can only be done if the child does not have physiological phimosis. Otherwise, when the foreskin is forcibly displaced, it can be injured.
Step 4
If your child is scheduled for a urine test using the Kakovsky-Addis method, collect it within 24 hours in one sterile container. After collecting the next portion, close the lid of the container tightly and place it in the refrigerator. After the end of the day, shake all the collected liquid and pour about 200 ml into another sterilized jar, which you take to the laboratory. On the label, indicate the total amount of urine collected at all times.