How To Cope With A Sore Throat In A Child

How To Cope With A Sore Throat In A Child
How To Cope With A Sore Throat In A Child

Angina can get sick not only in winter, but also in the off-season. Most often, children suffer from this ailment. If a child rarely suffers from angina and tolerates it relatively easily, at the first symptoms, you can cope with the disease on your own, without going to a doctor.

How to cope with a sore throat in a child
How to cope with a sore throat in a child

The easiest way to treat sore throat is to gargle, which clears the throat of viruses and bacteria. As components for the solution, you can use potassium permanganate, furacilin or chlorhexidine. It should be borne in mind that the solutions must be very weak. For babies, decoctions and infusions of linden, calendula, sage or chamomile are best suited. Each procedure is performed after meals and is repeated after 3 hours.

During a sore throat, you must drink a lot. Drinking not only flushes harmful organisms from the mucous membrane into the stomach, where they are disinfected due to gastric juice, but also helps to remove toxins and harmful substances from the body. You can drink lingonberry or cranberry fruit drinks, water, tea with raspberries or honey, warm milk with the addition of butter.

Another assistant in the fight against angina is an inhaler. This device helps to relieve pain, inflammation and swelling. For inhalation, you can use various essential oils - sage, eucalyptus, mint, lavender or fir. The procedures can be carried out only if the body temperature does not exceed 37, 5C!

You can use sprays, lozenges or lozenges available from pharmacies. They will help to cope with angina due to antiseptics and anti-inflammatory components that make up their composition. But without consulting a doctor, it is not recommended to resort to this method of treatment, since they are not suitable for all children.

It is imperative to revise the child's menu, excluding from it coarse food that injures the throat. The food should be warm and free from seasonings and spices.

It is possible to independently treat a child only when the symptoms of sore throat have just appeared. If after 2 days the baby's condition does not improve, you should definitely consult a doctor to rule out any bacterial infection that can develop into streptococcal tonsillitis.
