Why Does The Child's Nose Not Breathe?

Why Does The Child's Nose Not Breathe?
Why Does The Child's Nose Not Breathe?

If the child has difficulty breathing, then he becomes lethargic, moody and apathetic. By the evening, the state of affairs only gets worse. The lack of normal sleep due to a stuffy nose harms both the child and the parents. In order not to aggravate the situation, it is important for parents to know what to do if the child's nose is not breathing.

Why does the child's nose not breathe?
Why does the child's nose not breathe?

Why does a child have bad nose breathing?

If a child suddenly starts complaining about a stuffy nose, parents may begin to suspect one of 4 possible reasons:

  1. Congenital and acquired pathologies. It can be a curvature of the nasal septum, which makes breathing difficult. Also, one of the reasons why the nose does not breathe is that the nasal passages are too narrow. The child simply cannot inhale enough oxygen through the nose.
  2. Diseases of the nasopharynx of viral and bacterial etiology.
  3. Allergy to any irritant.
  4. Blockage of the nasal passage by foreign bodies. Kids quite often like to shove seeds from berries and various small objects into their nose. In some cases, it is simply impossible to push them out of the nasal passages on their own.

In addition to the main symptom in the form of nasal congestion, the child may also complain of other symptoms:

  1. Itching, the appearance of allergic reactions on the baby's skin, sneezing.
  2. The appearance of snot from the nose with bloody blotches. This may indicate mechanical stress or the presence of a foreign object.
  3. High fatigue, capricious behavior, increased sweating. All this can speak of an incipient illness.

Why does the child's nose not breathe, but no snot?

If the baby is just beginning an acute respiratory illness, then the snot may be completely absent. Most often, it is the onset of the disease that is characterized by sneezing, general malaise, and a feeling that the nose is blocked. Many are characterized by a pressing sensation in the area of the bridge of the nose and above.

If a feeling of congestion manifests itself periodically when an animal appears in the house or a product on the table, then this suggests that the child has an allergy and difficulty breathing becomes the main symptom. This can also include the appearance of a feeling of nasal congestion in certain seasons of the year. If parents notice allergy symptoms in their child, then it is necessary to go to an appointment with an allergist as soon as possible. Otherwise, vasomotor allergic rhinitis may develop, which can lead to autonomic neurosis.

The presence of congenital abnormalities is diagnosed in the first few years of a child's life. Narrowing of the nasal passages can lead to swelling of the mucous membrane and impaired sense of smell, up to its complete atrophy. It is also possible the formation of polyps on the nasal mucosa. In this case, it is necessary to consult an otolaryngologist and further surgical intervention. Pathologies of the nasal passages can also cause snoring.

Another reason why a child's nose does not breathe is overgrowth of the adenoids. It accounts for about 25% of all complaints of respiratory failure in children of preschool and primary school age. The disease leads to the fact that the lumen narrows, and the baby can completely stop breathing through his nose. In this case, it is mandatory to consult a doctor and prescribe further treatment. Depending on the degree of overgrowth of the adenoids, both medications in combination with physiotherapy and an operation to remove the tonsils can be prescribed.

The presence of sinusitis in a child in the chronic stage can also lead to impaired respiratory function. Inflammatory damage occurs not only on the mucous and bone tissues of the sinuses, but also on the blood vessels. As a result, the child experiences stagnation of mucus in the nose and the rapid multiplication of harmful microorganisms. In this case, a headache may be added to the main symptom. In order not to lead to critical consequences, it is important to consult a doctor in a timely manner and begin adequate treatment.

Why does a child's nose not breathe at night?

If there is nasal congestion during the day, the child involuntarily swallows the accumulating mucus. During sleep, a person does not have a swallowing reflex. As a result of this, as well as due to the horizontal position of the body, all mucus accumulates without leaving either the nasal passages or the pharynx. This condition is called postnasal drip syndrome by doctors.

There are other symptoms to determine it:

  1. General weakness and drowsiness throughout the day.
  2. Feeling of stuffiness in the nose.
  3. Occasional cough from accumulation of mucus on the back of the nasopharynx.

Also, the reason why the child does not breathe his nose at night may be too dry indoor air. As a result, the villi in the child's nose can dry out and their function is weakened. Ideal for parents to purchase a home weather station to control indoor temperature and humidity. It is also good if the apartment has a humidifier. But if it is not there, then you should not despair, you can use the folk method: wet the towels and put them on the radiators in the room. As it dries, the air in the room will become more humid.

Difficulty in nasal breathing can be noticed during teething. Against the background of a weakened immune system, the baby's mucous membranes of the nose and mouth become inflamed, thereby leading to a deterioration in breathing.

What to do if your nose does not breathe

First, you need to determine the reason why the child's nose is not breathing. Only a specialist can do this competently. If the child is very small, then the pediatrician must come to the house. Otherwise, you can make an appointment with the otolaryngologist and visit him at the appointed time. The doctor will examine the baby. If you suspect an allergy or nasal injury, you will also need to consult a surgeon or allergist. The specialists will prescribe the appropriate treatment.

If the cause of shortness of breath is SARS, then frequent ventilation is necessary, maintenance of normal temperature and humidity in the room of the sick child. It is necessary to ensure that the baby's drinking is abundant. If breathing is difficult as a result of the presence of thick snot, then it is better to dilute them with special medications. If breathing is difficult due to edema of the mucous membrane, then vasoconstrictor drugs must be used:

  1. Otrivin - for children from 1 year old. The duration is 10 hours.
  2. Vibrocil - for children from 1 year old. The duration is 4 hours.
  3. Aqualor - for infants and older. Action time - more than 10 hours.

It is imperative to take into account the age category of the child. This is especially true for babies.

Normal saline is a great way to get rid of nasal infections faster. It can be bought at the pharmacy in the form of drops (aquamaris baby), sprays (aquamaris and aquamaris strong), as well as do it yourself. Rinsing the nose will not do any harm to the baby. It will be an excellent first measure for congestion symptoms.

To make the saline solution yourself, you need to take half a tsp. salt and soda in 250 ml of pure water.

If the child's nose is not breathing well, then you can use a nebulizer. This device helps to carry out inhalation for a baby of any age, as well as for adults. You can breathe in regular saline. There are two main prohibitions for inhalation:

  1. The patient's body temperature is above 37 ° C.
  2. Use as one of the components of a solution of essential oils.
