One of the most interesting and confusing questions of young parents is whether a baby needs a pacifier? All children have a sucking reflex and it can always be satisfied in different ways. Somewhere for this, a breast is used, somewhere a bottle, and somewhere sucking fingers, and somewhere - nipples and pacifiers.

Step 1
Choose a pacifier according to your baby's age. Pay attention to the shape of the restraint ring and choose one that will not cause inconvenience to the child.
Step 2
Latex pacifiers can cause allergies. Buy pacifiers only in specialized stores or pharmacies and only after consulting a pediatrician.
Step 3
If the pacifier suddenly falls to the floor, do not lick it so that you can give it to the child later, because good hygiene is very questionable here. Clean the pacifier by boiling or washing.
Step 4
Do not use the pacifier as a sedative, that is, do not plug his requests or cries with it. Use a dummy if all else fails.
Step 5
Satisfying the sucking reflex always distracts from any unpleasant sensations and from the processes of knowing the world, so use pacifiers as rarely as possible.
Step 6
The pacifier can soothe and relieve pain, and is thus more beneficial than medicine. Beveled models promote active development of the lower jaw and improve the bite.
Step 7
Do not give your baby a pacifier until you have developed enough milk flow and the baby is good at latching on to the breast.
Step 8
If a baby grows up on artificial feeding, a dummy is especially important for him. It is believed that children who have been deprived of satisfying the need to suck will have psychological problems in the future.
Step 9
In order to artificially wean your child from a pacifier, you can resort to one of the methods: give a “bird”, “hedgehog”; shorten the pacifier until it becomes unpleasant or uncomfortable to suck; find another, uncomfortable dummy, and hide a convenient one.