Summer begins, there is an exciting trip to the sea ahead, and many parents are interested in the question of when it is possible to teach a child to swim and whether it is worth doing it.

According to experienced trainers, it is possible to teach children to swim no earlier than from 4 - 6 years old, and even then, only if you know well how to do it. For young children, simple play in the water using a variety of inflatable support devices is sufficient. The most important thing is that the water evokes only positive emotions in the child. An inept attempt at learning to swim can lead to the fact that the baby is frightened, and subsequently it will be impossible to teach him to swim.
If your child is already 4 years old, and he splashes with pleasure in the water, try to teach him to lie on his back, introduce him to the properties of water. If you are going to further teach him to swim, then you should already forget about the inflatable rings. The fact is that the circle keeps the child in an upright position, and a horizontal position is necessary for swimming. Sleeves, an inflatable belt or a collar, that is, any means that will allow the child to lie on the water freely, will become a good replacement for the circle.
Six or seven years of age is the most conducive to learning. The child is already able to listen carefully to the coach and do everything he says. At this age, the so-called “feeling of water” also appears, without which serious training in swimming is impossible.
If you are going to send your baby to a sports school, then think carefully about whether it is worth doing: professional swimming may not affect the child's health in the best way, causing a number of serious diseases. But a simple swim in the pool or the sea, without chasing any results, will only benefit.
If the child is afraid, do not force him, in any case, go into the water, do not drag him there by force, do not throw him into the pond. After such actions, the child will be even more afraid of water, and he will lose confidence in you. Do not laugh at the baby and do not compare him with other children, do not discuss with the child his “cowardice” with anyone else.
Go into the water yourself, show your baby how pleased you are, play with him on the shallows: gradually he will understand that there is nothing wrong with the water. Be patient and do not try to speed things up - the child will definitely overcome his fear.
Sometimes, as a result of inept actions, children's fear develops into a phobia. In this case, do not try to cope with the problem yourself: you need expert advice.