An educational game can be made from any material at hand. For example, wooden beads. They can be strung on a string, selected strictly according to color or in a given sequence, compared in shape and size. Beads can be purchased at a dry goods store or made by yourself. The main thing is that they are large enough.

- - wooden beads of different sizes;
- - oil or acrylic paints;
- - multi-colored laces;
- - file;
- - colored hooks.
Step 1
Start making the game by picking beads. It is best to take, of course, wooden ones. But you can also use old large plastic beads, and even knitted ones. It is better if the beads are of different shapes. The holes must be bored to allow the lace to pass freely through them. A small child should not be given a needle and thread. Bore holes with a regular file.
Step 2
For a child 2-3 years old, make beads in four basic colors: red, blue, yellow and green. Paint the beads in the appropriate colors with oil or acrylic paints and let dry. The game is almost ready. You just have to choose the laces of the corresponding colors and string the beads. An older child needs more variety - laces can be of different lengths, beads - different shapes and sizes.
Step 3
How to play with such beads? The easiest option for babies is to string the beads on a string of the appropriate color. As soon as the baby masters this, offer him other options. For example, string 4 beads of different colors on each string. An older child can be instructed to distribute the beads so that each string has a cube, ball, testicle, and pyramid, or so that the beads range in size from largest to smallest. You can also suggest different alternations - a large red bead alternates with two small yellow ones, etc. In a word, there are a great many options, and you can make such a game in no time.
Step 4
Do not scold your baby if he uses beads for other purposes. For example, put them on a doll. This can also be turned into an interesting educational game - for example, pick up beads for doll dresses.