Educational Games: Homemade Mosaics

Educational Games: Homemade Mosaics
Educational Games: Homemade Mosaics

A variety of mosaics are sold in toy stores. This game develops intelligence, fine motor skills, artistic imagination. Therefore, the more different mosaics a child has, the better. You can make such a game from a variety of materials. For this, linoleum, colored cardboard and even corks from lemonade bottles are suitable.

Educational games: homemade mosaics
Educational games: homemade mosaics

The simplest mosaic consists of colored corks. This game is convenient to play on the beach and in the sandbox, because the patterns can be folded right on wet sand or even on the asphalt. Collect as many colorful corks as possible, put them in a nice box or bag - and the game is ready. A small child cannot yet come up with patterns on his own. Therefore, you need to prepare some pictures. Pick up patterns consisting of circles alternating in a different order. These can be flowers with a round center and round petals of a different color. You can also come up with abstract ornaments. Make them using any graphic editor and print on a color printer. To prevent the pictures from fraying ahead of time, insert them into transparent file folders or cover them with transparent film. A simple and original mosaic can be made from colored PVC tiles or linoleum. This material is excellent for cutting with a sharp knife. Cut out geometric shapes of different colors and sizes from it. Think about what of these figures can be folded. A circle, triangle or rectangle and four stripes - a man. Trapezium and triangle - boat. A square with a triangle on top is a house. As in the first case, draw pictures in a graphics editor and print. A spectacular geometric mosaic can be made from foam foam left over from repairs. True, in this case it will not work to study colors, but there is nothing wrong with that. The child will learn the form better. When laying out silhouettes, he will not be distracted by color. True, in this case, the sample pictures should be monochrome, so they can be printed on a black and white printer. This mosaic can be cut out of wood or cut out of cardboard and painted. It is easier for a small child to focus if he sees a limited field on which to lay out patterns. Therefore, on the beach, it is better to draw a square on the sand. At home you can play mosaic and on the table. But nothing prevents you from cutting out a large sheet of cardboard and painting it gray or light brown.
