Educational Games For Children From 1 Year Old

Educational Games For Children From 1 Year Old
Educational Games For Children From 1 Year Old

After a year, babies, with the assistance of an adult, improve various skills: fine motor skills of fingers, coordination of movements of hands and feet. The kid imitates an adult in everything, keeps his attention on bright objects, and is quickly distracted by other attractive objects. Helping the timely development of the child is the main task of the parents.

Educational games for children from 1 year old
Educational games for children from 1 year old

Games that develop vocabulary and physical activity

In order to encourage the baby to repeat a word and repeat certain actions, you can sit the child on his knees and emotionally repeat a cheerful and rhythmic "nursery rhyme", accompanying it with expressive movements that correspond to the meaning of the poem. In the same way, you can take the child by the arms, hum funny songs and spin with him, inviting him to repeat simple actions, speeding up and slowing down his movements, clapping his hands. Such games replenish the passive vocabulary of children, improve the coordination of movements, and form an ear for music.

Educational games for kids with obstacle course

Set up impromptu obstacles for your one-year-old to improve his motor experience. Obstacles can consist of small benches, linen basins, high chairs, soft modular cubes, hoops. And the path itself is recommended to be limited with ropes. First, you need to help the child overcome the obstacle course by taking his hand. In this case, you can sentence a rhyme.

Early childhood development is impossible without creativity

From a year you can already start making crafts. These activities help to form the creative inclinations of the child, contribute to the development of fine motor skills. You can do finger painting, make appliques from fairly large parts. It is important that the child takes part in this with pleasure and quickly receives the result of his work. Therefore, there is no need to choose complex, time-consuming crafts. You can also accompany the lesson with children's nursery rhymes.

The development of a child's intelligence directly depends on the development of fine motor skills of the fingers.

Finger games

There is a great variety of finger games based on alternate bending and extension of the fingers. They must be played with the child every day. You need to start with simple games designed specifically for babies one year old. First, learn one game with him, then the next. It is important to choose the right moment for such games when the baby is relaxed: after bathing or after feeding.

It is advisable to accompany all actions with the child with a conversation with him. At the same time, one should not "lisp" so that in the future it is not necessary to address the problems of children's speech to a speech therapist.

Kids toys

Joint games with an adult in toys enrich the sensory experience, develop the concepts of comparison, generalization. It is important that the objects the child plays with are of a variety of materials, shapes and sizes. These are nesting dolls, pyramids, sets of cubes, logic cubes, tumblers, inserts, etc. Do not give your child too small toys - he can swallow them. The child needs to be shown how to act with this or that toy. While playing, one must at the same time acquaint the kid with the concepts of "more-less", "higher-lower", "farther-closer", "thinner-thicker", "over-under", "in-na". Also teach how to distinguish colors, ideas about smoothness, roughness, moisture, dryness, etc.

Educational games for children with a given plot

At the age of one year, the child can play story games under the guidance of mom or dad. This is a game of cooking from toy vegetables, feeding a doll, swinging a bear. It can also be an acquaintance with the sounds made by animals, familiarization with vehicles, furniture. In this case, it is necessary to teach the child the simplified names of objects.
