At what stage of pregnancy the woman would not be, abdominal pains are very dangerous. The reasons may vary. Early pregnancy pain in the abdomen is the most dangerous. Especially if it is frequent or harsh.

Step 1
If the pains are aching, pulling in nature, which arise not only in the abdomen, but also in the lower back, while you have bloody discharge, this is a dangerous condition in which a threat of miscarriage is possible. For such pain, call an ambulance immediately.
Step 2
Periodic pains in the lower abdomen, on the one hand, speak of a tubal abortion. In this case, bloody discharge is possible.
Step 3
Pain during pregnancy, accompanied by loss of consciousness and radiating into the anus, collarbone or hypochondrium, indicates the ectopic location of the ovum. In this case, a woman has bloody, smearing discharge. An ectopic pregnancy develops between 8-10 weeks.
Step 4
Placental abruption is often indicated by pain, accompanied by tension in the uterus. Also, severe pain can indicate fetal hypoxia or internal bleeding. They can be provoked by severe gestosis, trauma, arterial hypertension, an abnormality of labor or a short umbilical cord.
Step 5
Sometimes stomach pains, accompanied by nausea, vomiting, flatulence, indicate a simple restructuring of the body.
Step 6
The stomach slightly hurts during pregnancy, in the case of growth of the uterus and displacement of organs in the small pelvis.
Step 7
Pain may not necessarily be associated with gynecological pathology. This can be a manifestation of pancreatitis or appendicitis. But still, in case of any manifestations of pain and bloody discharge, immediately contact an ambulance.