Is Ultrasound Dangerous During Pregnancy

Is Ultrasound Dangerous During Pregnancy
Is Ultrasound Dangerous During Pregnancy

Ultrasound examination (ultrasound) has long been a common procedure widely used by doctors of various specialties. It is used when examining pregnant women. Ultrasound during pregnancy allows you to monitor how normal it is, whether there are any abnormalities in the development of the fetus. But some expectant mothers and their relatives are concerned about the question: is it possible to undergo such an examination, is it not dangerous for the child.

Is ultrasound dangerous during pregnancy
Is ultrasound dangerous during pregnancy

How many times is it necessary to carry out an ultrasound during pregnancy

If the pregnancy proceeds without any complications, ultrasound examination can be performed 3-4 times. The first ultrasound is done at an approximate time of 10-12 weeks. It is carried out in order to clarify the duration of pregnancy, to determine the number of fetuses in the uterus, the structure of the fetus and the state of blood circulation between it and the mother's body. The doctor also pays attention to the thickness of the cervical fold of the fetus (according to the measurement results, one can judge whether the unborn child has any congenital defects), to the place of attachment of the placenta, the state of the tone of the uterus and the amount of amniotic fluid.

The second ultrasound during pregnancy is performed at a period of 20 to 22 weeks. The doctor determines whether the size of the fetus meets the standards, whether there are malformations, examines the placenta and amniotic fluid. The expectant mother can see the movements of her baby on the screen, listen to his heart beating, and sometimes even consider his facial expressions. Also, if a pregnant woman wants, she can be told the gender of the child.

The third ultrasound is performed at a period of 30 to 32 weeks. The doctor's task: to determine how mature the placenta is, whether the uteroplacental blood flow is functioning normally, what position the fetus occupies.

Another ultrasound scan can be done immediately before delivery. It allows you to assess the weight of the fetus, the state of the placenta, as well as the location of the umbilical cord and the degree of readiness of the uterus for labor.

If the pregnancy was proceeding with complications, ultrasound can be performed with a greater frequency, as prescribed by the doctor.

Is ultrasound dangerous during pregnancy?

There is a widespread prejudice among some pregnant women, especially those who are not knowledgeable in medicine and technology, that ultrasound can be dangerous to the fetus. But these are just rumors that are not supported by medical statistics. However, often this procedure should not be carried out and its duration should not be too long. For example, in the West, doctors are trying to reduce the frequency of ultrasound to the minimum for each expectant mother.
