When To Do The First Ultrasound During Pregnancy

When To Do The First Ultrasound During Pregnancy
When To Do The First Ultrasound During Pregnancy

Pregnancy is a very exciting state for a woman. Anxiety arises for any reason. Especially at the initial stage, when a new life has just begun and has not yet matured. Therefore, the first ultrasound is very important to determine the condition and development of the fetus and to calm the expectant mother.

When to do the first ultrasound during pregnancy
When to do the first ultrasound during pregnancy

During the entire pregnancy, if there are no pathologies and other risk factors, fetal ultrasound is done three times - once every trimester at a certain time. This is due to the stages of development of the child in the womb.

Ultrasound or echography today is considered practically the only sufficiently informative and relatively safe method that allows you to observe and evaluate the development of pregnancy from start to finish.

The first ultrasound during pregnancy is performed at 10-14 weeks, if there is no indication for an earlier study. Then ultrasound is performed at 5-6 weeks.

Indications for early (5-6 weeks) ultrasound examination may include the following factors:

- the onset of pregnancy with uterine fibroids;

- the presence of a contraceptive in the uterus;

- signs of a possible termination of pregnancy (spotting, pain in the lower abdomen);

- suspicion of "frozen" or ectopic pregnancy.

During the first ultrasound, the obstetrician-gynecologist can use two methods of examination.

Transvaginal examination. It is passed through the vagina. The advantage is that such an ultrasound scan provides more complete information about the state of the fetus and uterus, since the sensors come closer to the objects under study, and also have a higher radiation frequency. This method is most often used in the first trimester and even more so with ultrasound at the earliest stages (5-6 weeks).

Transabdominal study. It is carried out through the anterior abdominal wall. It is necessary to be prepared for such a study, namely, to have a full bladder.

First trimester ultrasound has the following goals:

- determination of the location of the ovum (uterine or ectopic pregnancy);

- diagnosis of multiple pregnancies;

- measurement of the growth and structure of the embryo and evaluation of the data obtained;

- diagnostics of possible complications (threatening abortion);

- studies to determine or exclude malformations and diseases (tumors, malignant and benign, cysts, pathology of the structure of the uterus, etc.).
