There is one riddle that absolutely all future parents want to solve. We will talk about this today. Boy or girl? When can the sex of the child be determined?

The first ultrasound scan at 12 weeks is a routine ultrasound scan that all pregnant women undergo without fail. At a period of 12-13 weeks of pregnancy, it is still impossible to determine the sex of the child, so it is not at all necessary to torture the doctor. Your baby is still very small, it is unlikely that it will be possible to examine the genitals even with a strong desire. Then why is it needed?
At the first ultrasound, the doctor determines an equally important point - the presence or absence of possible fetal pathologies. And this is a rather serious question. I will not frighten you by talking about what problems may arise, what pathologies a specialist can detect. Pregnant women do not need to know this. Why? Yes, because impressionability during this period of our ladies is off scale. And now there is no need to irritate and cheat you. Moreover, serious pathologies are not so common, and everything else is treated. Therefore, do not run in front of the locomotive.
In addition, at the first ultrasound scan at 12 weeks, the doctor will determine the exact duration of pregnancy, the expected date of delivery (with an accuracy of 3 days), the number of fetuses and assess the timeliness of fetal development. But you know what is most important - you will see your baby for the first time! And this is already an event!

An ultrasound scan at 22 weeks of gestation is your second scheduled meeting with your baby and the opportunity to find out his gender. Why do you need a second ultrasound? The doctor looks at and assesses the development of the fetus, the state of the placenta and amniotic fluid, determines the sex of the child (in 98% of cases it succeeds).
By the way, on an ultrasound scan at 22 weeks of pregnancy, you will notice how your baby has grown, how he moves. It is really amazing to watch how a small heart beats inside you, how a little man lives inside you. I assure you, you will remember this moment for the rest of your life.
As I already said, in 98% of cases it will not be difficult for a specialist to determine the sex of a child. But it so happens that the little cunning turns away, as if embarrassed. Don't be upset. It is clear that you have been madly waiting for this day to finally find out the gender of your child. But this is not so important. The main thing is that all indicators are normal, so that the doctor does not reveal any complications or pathologies.
After all, what's the difference - a boy or a girl? Will you love the child less or more from this? You will soon find out, there is not much left. Before you know it, it's time to pack your bags for the hospital.
An ultrasound scan at 30-32 weeks of gestation is performed solely in order to make sure that the fetus is developing correctly. This is the last ultrasound scan before childbirth. By the way, if you did not manage to find out the sex of the unborn child on an ultrasound scan at 22 weeks of pregnancy, then now you have an excellent opportunity for this. But keep in mind that during these 10 weeks the child has grown up, he can no longer move as freely as before. Therefore, the question of gender determination may remain open. Here, the state of the placenta and amniotic fluid is assessed.
All pregnant women are waiting for ultrasound as something special. But this is so. First - the first ultrasound and the first acquaintance, then - the second ultrasound and determining the sex of the child, as a result - the third ultrasound, and you know for sure that everything is fine with your little one. And this is the most important thing!
Before an ultrasound scan, try not to worry, not to wind yourself up. You need peace now, not depression. Everything will be fine. Try to get a good night's sleep, although I know how hard it is to fall asleep before such an event. But we must try.
And I sincerely wish the doctors to be sincerely surprised at your excellent performance, and it was possible to determine the sex of the child the first time.