Women usually undergo several ultrasound examinations throughout their pregnancy. Signing up for an ultrasound scan is quite simple. It can be done both in the antenatal clinic and in a private medical clinic.

Step 1
During pregnancy, women, in accordance with current medical standards, must undergo at least 3 ultrasounds. This must be done at certain times. Experts call these types of tests screening. With the help of them, you can get information about how the fetus develops. If your pregnancy is proceeding normally, have your first ultrasound scan at 12-14 weeks.
Step 2
Before signing up for an ultrasound scan, discuss it with your gynecologist. Perhaps your doctor will advise you to do this a little earlier than the due date or a little later. Check with him what is the order of registration in the antenatal clinic in which you are being observed. In some medical institutions, it is carried out by district gynecologists. At one of the appointments, they simply offer the pregnant woman a certain time and, if it suits her, send her for an ultrasound scan. In this case, you just have to go to the clinic at the appointed time.
Step 3
If the gynecologist tells you that you have to make an appointment for an ultrasound examination yourself, ask where you can do it. Contact the reception if the ultrasound can be done directly in the antenatal clinic. You will need to have your passport, medical certificate and exchange card with you.
Step 4
If your antenatal clinic does not have an ultrasound diagnostics room or is temporarily not working, please specify where you can take this study. In this case, the management of the polyclinic must have an agreement with another medical institution. In accordance with this document, the patients of the antenatal clinic have the right to undergo an ultrasound scan in this institution for free. Call this hospital and find out how you can schedule an appointment.
Step 5
Some medical institutions provide for recording via the Internet. Go to their official website, find the page on which the registration of patients who want to undergo an ultrasound scan is carried out, choose a time convenient for you and enter your last name, first name, patronymic, passport number and compulsory health insurance policy in the electronic windows. Exactly the same order of registration is typical for terminals located in many modern clinics.
Step 6
If for some reason you do not trust free medicine or want a doctor to pay special attention to you, sign up for an ultrasound scan at one of the paid clinics. To do this, you just need to call the registry, provide your data and choose a convenient time to visit the ultrasound diagnostics room.