Being left a widow or having survived a divorce, a woman begins to feel inferior. Many of the fairer sex think that they look like second-rate goods in the eyes of men. The idea of getting married with children generally comes to minds of a few girls.

Step 1
In fact, many men, if not dreaming, are not at all opposed to marrying a woman with a "makeweight". And those who consider other people's children a burden will look at their own offspring in the same way. Therefore, the girl needs to think about whether she needs such a husband.
Step 2
First of all, in order for a woman with children to find a husband, it is necessary to get rid of all the stereotypes. This is easy to do if you debunk the myth that all men at the genetic level are not capable of accepting someone else's child. If a guy is going to marry a girl, then she is very dear and close to him. Her child will automatically become a family too.
Step 3
Dear ladies, if you are afraid that it is impossible for a woman to marry with a child, look at the situation with a man's gaze. Firstly, a man does not need to endure all the "delights" of pregnancy - toxicosis, the vagaries of the expectant mother and fear of childbirth. Secondly, you can sleep peacefully at night - the neonatal period has passed, the teeth have erupted, and a grown-up child in the eyes of a man is a cute funny toddler, and not a screaming tyrant, taking away the strength and attention of his wife. In general, you can find a common language with adolescents and negotiate.
Step 4
To get married with children, you need not only to look for a man who will accept them, but also to work on yourself. If your horizons are limited only by caring for children, household chores and work, it will be very difficult to find a spouse. Let yourself feel like a woman - pay attention to your appearance, choose a hobby for yourself, and visit public places where you can meet men.
Step 5
When meeting a prospective groom, you shouldn't complain about how difficult it is for a woman with children to find a husband. Thus, you immediately give it the installation. Be at ease, like a complete person. In general, as if you did not have a complex of "divorced with a makeweight".
Step 6
Thinking that it is very difficult for a woman to marry a child can make mistakes. You should not rush at every man, seeing in him a potential chosen one. After all, you have had bad experiences in the past. The second spouse must be chosen deliberately, because he must become not only a husband, but also a father.
Step 7
When remarrying, especially if you have children, you should not be shy about discussing material issues. A man should be a breadwinner and protector in the family, and not a second or third child. Perhaps some women have nothing against this, but this option does not suit you.