What To Do With Gifts When Parting

What To Do With Gifts When Parting
What To Do With Gifts When Parting

By law, gifts are the personal property of each spouse; this rule is also often applied in the absence of a registered marriage. In some cases, partners make a decision to return gifts, although this usually only aggravates the conflict situation.

What to do withts when parting
What to do withts when parting

A universal way to solve the problem with gifts during parting of partners is to keep the gifts received for each party. This option, in the presence of a registered marriage, is even enshrined in legislation, since the Family Code establishes the right of each of the spouses to keep gifts in case of divorce. By analogy, this rule is often applied to unregistered marriages, cohabitation, and any other relationship between partners who have decided to leave for some reason. At the same time, the property received as a gift remains personal property even if it belongs to expensive things, luxury goods.

Features of saving gifts for each of the partners

Preserving gifts for each partner during parting is also recommended in terms of interpersonal relationships, as it indicates a mature, jointly made decision. It is typical for those couples who have lived together for a long time, and the partners are well aware of each other's advantages and disadvantages, and maintain a respectful attitude even after parting. Such couples usually disperse without any special conflicts, and in the presence of other common property, they are divided by mutual agreement. Contrary to popular belief, keeping gifts is not a sign of preserving feelings for a former partner or partner, such a decision only testifies to a civilized separation and the preservation of friendly or friendly relations between people who have managed to get to know each other well.

When are gifts returned upon separation?

Returning or sharing gifts during parting is typical for young couples, as well as for those partners who part too violently, in the absence of mutual consent. Also, a similar situation often arises when an unexpected cancellation of a previously made decision on marriage. In this case, the partner often returns the wedding ring to the partner, other gifts received earlier. In such a situation, tensions often persist between people, and the separation itself often occurs with scandals, quarrels, and multiple clarifications of relations. That is why, when returning gifts, one usually does not have to talk about maintaining any warm relationship; former partners often deliberately avoid even casual meetings.
