Why Are Some Afraid Of Getting Pregnant?

Why Are Some Afraid Of Getting Pregnant?
Why Are Some Afraid Of Getting Pregnant?

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Pregnancy, depending on whether it is long-awaited or unplanned, can cause various emotions in a woman - from delight and joy to panic and sadness. Fear generated by a new state of the body can be justified or unreasonable, far-fetched.

Why are some afraid of getting pregnant?
Why are some afraid of getting pregnant?


Step 1

Women can be afraid of getting pregnant for a variety of reasons. Among the most common are too young or, on the contrary, mature age, poor financial situation, absence of a husband, job, apartment, presence of children, poor health. All these obstacles, depending on the situation, can act as a really serious reason for abandoning motherhood. So, for example, if a woman suffers from a serious illness, her probability of bearing and giving birth to a healthy child is significantly reduced. If she is not confident in her partner, is not financially secure, lives with her parents or in a rented apartment, her fear of getting pregnant is also quite understandable and justified.

Step 2

In addition to objective reasons, there are also panic fears, pregnancy phobias (gravidophobia). It would seem that a woman has everything necessary for a normal pregnancy and happy motherhood - a loving husband, good health, an apartment, money, but she is afraid of physiological changes in her body, is horrified when she hears the word "childbirth", is wary of the ladies "in position ". All these fears are unreal, but they keep the woman captive, poison her life.

Step 3

The causes of gravidophobia can be different: an unsuccessful pregnancy or a threat to the life or death of a mother (close relative) during childbirth, a too susceptible vulnerable psyche, any traumatic situations that happened to a woman earlier, possibly at the time of a previous pregnancy (miscarriages, frozen pregnancy, death of a child), etc. Getting rid of phobias and panic fears is difficult, but possible. An experienced psychotherapist can provide significant help in this case, as well as visiting groups for planning pregnancy, reading specialized literature on the topic of easy childbirth, etc.

Step 4

Unwillingness to become pregnant can also be associated with such goals of a woman as career growth, the desire to achieve material independence, success, etc. Business women often give birth to children after 35 years old, when they have everything they think is necessary for a normal life. Often such women become better mothers than those who gave birth to children "on the fly" in their young years and then went through a series of divorces, unsuccessful remarriages, various life disappointments. However, there are risks here: after 35 years, the probability of having a sick child almost doubles every year.

Step 5

There is another category of women who do not want to become pregnant for ideological reasons - the so-called childfree or "free of children." Founded in the United States in the mid-70s of the last century, this subculture promotes childless life. This phenomenon has spread to other countries of the world, including Russia. People who consider themselves childfree not only do not want to get pregnant and give birth to their own children, but sometimes they are very aggressive towards those women who adhere to traditional views on the family.
