Can Teeth Be Treated During Pregnancy?

Can Teeth Be Treated During Pregnancy?
Can Teeth Be Treated During Pregnancy?

Pregnancy is a wonderful time for every woman. But, unfortunately, in addition to pleasant moments, there are also some nuances, tk. this process carries a serious burden on the body. And hair, teeth and nails are especially affected.

Can teeth be treated during pregnancy?
Can teeth be treated during pregnancy?

Why teeth suffer during pregnancy and how to avoid it

Ideally, a person should prepare carefully when planning a pregnancy. Because despite the fact that this is a wonderful and exciting period, at the same time it carries a huge burden on the body. The nascent new life requires a lot of vitamins and minerals for normal development and growth. It also needs to develop in a healthy, infection-free environment. In the fetus, all organs and systems are formed, including the bone, and this requires calcium in large quantities. And if the expectant mother does not consume it daily with food and vitamins, then it will be taken from her own resources.

Therefore, pregnant women often complain that their nails are broken, their hair splits and their teeth fall out (in advanced cases). To avoid this, you need to eat right, drink vitamins and be sure to be monitored by the appropriate doctors.

Unfortunately, people are quite frivolous about their health, they often start it and many problems arise with an unplanned pregnancy. Diseased teeth are not just harm for the woman herself, but can be dangerous for the baby as well. Because with tooth decay or gum disease, the infection can be transmitted to the fetus.

What dental treatment can be carried out for pregnant women

Previously, it was believed that pregnant women should, if possible, avoid any medical intervention so as not to harm the child. And dental treatment was postponed until later. Often this led to the fact that the damaged teeth simply fell out, and the baby received his dose of infections.

Modern medicine has made great strides forward with its fairly safe methods of treating pregnant women. Medicines used for anesthesia, as well as X-ray examinations, do not harm the fetus. It is only necessary to warn the doctor about your situation so that he uses special means.

During pregnancy, it is possible and necessary to treat such types of dental diseases as: caries, periodontitis, to carry out tooth extraction with and without anesthesia, to eliminate inflammation of the teeth and gums. It is not recommended to remove tartar or to insert teeth.

Currently, when registering a pregnant woman, you need to go through several doctors and a dentist is mandatory on the list. Take care of your health so that your child is healthy too.
