Sometimes only love and mutual attraction is not enough to create harmonious relationships. It seems that there is a desire to be together, but it is not possible to establish life in any way. Perhaps we are talking about the incompatibility of temperaments.

What temperaments are there?
After a series of studies, psychologists have identified four main personality temperaments:
1. Sanguine. This is a fairly active and energetic person. He has a good sense of humor and an objective outlook on life. He quickly adapts to new situations, as a rule, has a positive attitude.
2. Melancholic. A very emotional and vulnerable person. Such people are quite suspicious and react sharply to criticism in their address. They devote a lot of time to endless thoughts about the past and analyzing their own failures. It is difficult for them to adapt to the realities of life. They often get depressed.
3. Choleric. This person is distinguished by a violent manifestation of emotions, incontinence. Such people suffer from mood swings, irascibility, impulsiveness and a tendency to rash actions.
4. Phlegmatic. Such people are calm and calm in most situations in life. They perfectly control their emotions, are non-conflicting, it is difficult for them to lose their temper.
However, it is important to remember that there are practically no “pure” temperaments. Usually, the dominant type is identified, and then the remaining characteristics are analyzed.
Perfect union
According to psychologists, sanguine people get along best with people with a similar temperament, although it will not be difficult for them to find a common language with choleric and phlegmatic people. But it is very difficult for them to build harmonious relationships with melancholic people.
Phlegmatic people are also most comfortable to be near phlegmatic people. Another most acceptable option for a phlegmatic is a melancholic. They will quickly find a lot in common. And they are unlikely to have a relationship with choleric people. The choleric person will constantly irritate the equanimity of the phlegmatic, and he will silently accumulate resentment and irritation at his overly emotional partner.
In turn, the choleric person will clearly enjoy the company of the sanguine person, and with melancholic people, their relationship is mostly doomed. They are simply too different.
Sexual compatibility
In addition, in addition to the usual temperament, scientists also consider the sexual temperament of partners. It can be: high, medium and low.
A harmonious relationship in a couple is possible in people with the same or at least close sexual temperament. For example, high and high sexual temperament or high-medium, medium-low, and so on.
A high-low pair can have serious problems, as one of the partners will consider the other a sex maniac. In turn, a partner with a low temperament will begin to suffer from such aggression and doubt the feelings of his soul mate.