How To Determine Compatibility Of People

How To Determine Compatibility Of People
How To Determine Compatibility Of People

Table of contents:


Determining the compatibility of people is of serious interest for those who decided to start a family. This question has many ways of resolving, including astrology, palmistry, numerology and other sophisticated theories. However, psychology and physiology are still important criteria for people.

How to determine compatibility of people
How to determine compatibility of people

It is necessary

psychological tests


Step 1

It will not be possible to quickly determine the compatibility of people, this is a long and painstaking process. But if you decide on a serious step called "marriage", perhaps you should not neglect it.

Step 2

Many people rely primarily on love, i.e. give in to passion, give vent to their feelings. Unfortunately, hasty relationships very often turn out to be short-lived, and couples break up without having time to get used to each other.

Step 3

Assess the factors that could have influenced the development and formation of the personality of your potential partner. These are heredity, upbringing, psychological type, level of development and pursued goals (outlook on the future).

Step 4

Look at the parents of your partner, because it is biological and moral heredity that forms a person as a person in the first years of life and forever. Consequently, he acquires many qualities from those people who were constantly with him. Also, keep an eye on the relationships in his family, because in the same way, most likely, your boyfriend / girlfriend will try to build a way of your own. Is this right for you?

Step 5

Pay attention to how he / she behaves in the company of other people. Does it matter to you how he / she does it and what he says, does it coincide with the way you see him / her alone with you? Indeed, at the stage of the formation of your relationship, there is an element of pretense, the desire to seem better. However, in the future, he will disappear and you will see the real person. Do not think that you will be able to reeducate your partner, this is a common misconception.

Step 6

Determine the psychological type of the person's personality. There are quite a few of them, and each psychologist interprets it differently. For example, Jung identified four basic types: sensory, intuitive, thoughtful, and feeling. These types can be expanded to eight, if we recall the now very popular division of people into extroverts (open) and introverts (closed).

Step 7

Invite your partner to take the psychological test with you. This fun activity may be good for both of you, but be sure to urge it to be serious from time to time. Do some different tests to make sure your boyfriend / girlfriend didn't lie. Typically, such tests involve type compatibility casting.

Step 8

Very often couples break up due to differences in developmental levels. This personality indicator has two aspects: the main criterion and the indicator of the development of the personal base. The first includes the choice and the degree of development of a life position, the level of responsibility (responsible for his actions or avoids it), the level of adulthood (infantilism, adulthood, a growing or fading personality), the position of perception (whether the partner is able to look at the situation from different points of view).

Step 9

The indicator of the development of the personal base is a rather voluminous tool aimed at determining the qualities and abilities of a person. For example, the level of mental health (neurotic or capable of self-control), culture (literacy, endurance, obedience to generally accepted norms of behavior in society), intelligence (stupid, smart, wise).

Step 10

Equally important are such qualities as the ability to empathize and repentance, tolerance towards others, the ability to make choices on their own, etc.

Step 11

And finally, you need to find out what goals your partner sets for himself, and determine how they are in harmony with your own, because living together will make them common. It is extremely difficult to change the position and aspirations of another person.

Step 12

It may seem that all of the above implies an ideal person, which does not exist in nature. However, we are not talking about the search for perfection, but only about what suits you personally. If you are not very worried about some flaws that do not fit into the reference model, ignore them. The main thing is that you are impressed by his / her dignity, as well as the attitude towards you. After all, you are not perfect either.
