Influenza is a very serious disease, as in many cases it causes severe complications. It is especially dangerous for the child's body, therefore, the parents of the baby should take the necessary preventive measures in a timely manner.

- - timely vaccination;
- - immunomodulators.
Step 1
One of the main ways to protect a child from the flu is to maintain personal hygiene for both him and his parents. It is necessary to instill in the baby the rules of hygiene from an early age: teach him how to wash his hands before eating, explain that you cannot eat unwashed fruits and vegetables. Encourage your child to avoid grabbing handles, handrails, and other objects that have been touched by other people in public areas. And if this cannot be avoided, then it is imperative to wash your hands.
Step 2
Make sure that your baby does not touch his mouth with his fingers, this is one of the most common transmission options for a variety of infections. In an accessible form, tell your child about germs. Explain to him that putting your fingers in your mouth is not only very ugly, but also dangerous.
Step 3
Very often the parents themselves contribute to the spread of the influenza virus by not ventilating the rooms sufficiently, which is why there is dry and warm air in the house. Therefore, the apartment must be ventilated at least twice a day, the child should be dressed warmer at this time.
Step 4
The best prevention of influenza is a healthy lifestyle, this simple truth has long been confirmed by practice. Walking in the fresh air, active games, proper nutrition will help your child avoid getting the flu. In the cold season, do not dress your baby too warmly - he will sweat, which only contributes to the development of colds.
Step 5
Timely vaccinate children against influenza, it reduces the likelihood of illness by 40-60%. Even ill, a vaccinated child will carry the flu much easier, without various complications. Modern vaccines are highly effective and safe.
Step 6
Use immunomodulators to enhance your child's ability to resist infections. To stimulate vitality, use echinacea, lemongrass, eleutherococcus, rhodiola rosea, but only after the approval of the pediatrician.
Step 7
In a season dangerous for the incidence of influenza, use essential oils of juniper, fir, eucalyptus, which have disinfecting properties, indoors. It is enough to drop a few drops of oil into a plastic cap and put it on the windowsill, disinfectants will gradually spread throughout the rooms, destroying harmful microorganisms.