They usually meet and marry for love, and separate for various reasons. What if a loved one left this life, did not die, just left - no matter where and for what reasons, but the other half still have feelings? Should I look for meetings and sort things out, or leave everything as it is? Or maybe she got excited and now you don't know how to fix the mistake? Let's consider the situation from these two positions: the guilty person and the victim.

Step 1
Once upon a time there was a prince and a princess. Everything was good with them. The palace is in order, annual holidays on the seas and oceans, a carriage on credit. The prince is a prominent guy - handsome, smart, independent, strong and healthy. The princess doted on him, in her dreams she dreamed of how old people would grow flowers on their plot and raise tomboy grandchildren.. And suddenly, like a bolt from the blue - the prince says that he was mistaken in his feelings, the princess, of course, is still loves, but more like a sister. There is no passion, the fire has gone out, he does not want to perform feats for her, and the faithful horse is completely sad in the stall without free fields and spring waters. He polished his armor, jumped into the saddle and was like that. The princess was left alone - to be sad, to be sad and to think about the years spent aimlessly.

Step 2
Or so …
Once upon a time there was a prince and a princess. The princess was a noble maiden - “Black with eyebrows, the beauty of a lepa. Clever, clever, whatever you say in a fairy tale, or describe with a pen”. The prince doted in her, carried in his arms, blew away dust particles, wrote coursework for her and believed that it was better not to find in life. I was ready to sell my father and mother for the princess, give all my salary, forget about friends. He himself was a simple guy - his appearance was ordinary, his self-esteem was so-so, and he did not differ in any special talents. The main trump card was that he loved the princess as much as a man can love a woman. But the princess did not consider this a trump card. You see, she became bored with him. All the girlfriends have rich, beautiful husbands, and she spends her best years with a botanist. I thought, I thought, I consulted with my friends. And she left. Proudly - she kissed her on the cheek, they say - do not be offended, if anything, she slammed the door and disappeared around the corner on her ten-centimeter stilettos. The prince was grieved, grieved, and he healed anew. And the princess … Of course, she never had a shortage of fans, money and other benefits of civilization - too, but somehow she lacked warmth. None of the new gentlemen treated her with such tenderness and trepidation, did not look into her eyes and did not consider her the most beautiful and extraordinary girl in the whole wide world. And the princess began to remember more and more how good it was before. I was longing, in general …
So our two heroines are sitting, each in their own castle and thinking about one thing: “How to see the prince, find out what she is living now, whether I have found a new princess. How can I find it? Suddenly, he has not forgotten and loves as before, or maybe even stronger."
I looked at it all and decided that we need to help our ladies, and at the same time, maybe these tips will come in handy to someone other than princesses, and they will improve their personal lives. I'll tell you about a few simple and easy ways to find your former disappeared prince and still not push him away completely.
Step 3
The easiest way is, of course, to call. To overcome the feeling of fear, pride and what else and still dial this painfully familiar number. This method, like any other, has several pluses and minuses.
First, about the cons. Be prepared for the fact that you can be sent far and for a long time in a rather rude manner. In a less unfortunate case, he may simply not pick up the phone and call back. Therefore, as an option, I propose to call not from my own number (landline phone, another SIM card, in the end, the phone of a trusted friend). The only thing you shouldn't do is call work. Men do not like showdowns, women's tears and anything that casts doubt on their self-sufficiency. Male pride is a delicate matter. Such a call can, at one moment, nullify all your attempts to make peace or at least talk in a human way. Therefore, dear girls, in no case do this. Calling to work is a taboo. And yet, if you are thinking, it is better to call at lunchtime or about half an hour before the start of the working day. You don't know anything about his personal life. Do not put him in an uncomfortable position and present yourself in front of a new girlfriend (if there is one) as an obsessive hysterical young lady who has nothing else to do except call her ex. Don't be humiliated. What happened is only your own business with him.
As for the pluses, there are not many of them. By calling and receiving a turn from the gate, you will have a certain completeness in the relationship and will be able, after experiencing all the bitterness of parting, to pull yourself together and move on. If silence is the answer, well, no answer is also an answer. Draw your own conclusions.
Step 4
An easier and safer way to find your lover is the Internet. Any of the social networks will help you learn a thing or two about a person's life at a given period of time. Only in this case, I advise you to go to his page as "invisible". A scout should not give himself out, that's why he is a scout. After examining incognito all the data provided and conducting a comparative analysis, you can draw conclusions and draw up a plan for further actions (defensive or offensive, depending on the circumstances).

Step 5
The third way is a symbiosis of the first two. Email. Write a letter. Just do not tell me: how much you love, you cannot live, you miss. Men don't like bored, annoying women. The same goes for pressure on pity and blackmail in any form. Be light and open. You have already parted and no one owes anything to anyone. The best stylistic focus is a letter to a friend. If you offended - apologize, if he you - “forgive sins” and make it clear that you do not feel hostile feelings. This method is good in that, unlike a telephone conversation, where they can break off and not listen, the letter will most likely be read to the end. Again, you can make it up to the "cool head" after re-reading and editing everything. I want to warn you right away - do not spam, one well-thought-out copy is enough. Believe me, he is quite intelligible, and if he wants to answer, he will answer. And if not, there's nothing you can do about it.