How To Form A Stable Immunity In A Child

How To Form A Stable Immunity In A Child
How To Form A Stable Immunity In A Child

How often does your baby get sick? Why do some children spend hours building dams in spring streams, while others begin to sneeze at the slightest draft? Why is that fidget running tirelessly around the yard, and this quiet one gets tired so quickly, even after sitting in the sun for a bit? Let's try to find out how the growth of immunity occurs in a child's body.

How to form a stable immunity in a child
How to form a stable immunity in a child

In fact, children are the most mobile creatures on the planet! If the child shows signs of weakness and fatigue from minor activity, then this is a signal for more detailed attention to the baby's health. This does not mean a "greenhouse regime" for the organism, on the contrary, in artificially created conditions there is very little of reality. Namely, in it your child will have to exist independently in later life. Everyone knows that good health directly depends on the stability of the immune system, which should be formed from the earliest years. Conscious parents understand the importance of the influence of various environmental factors and their own actions on the forming organism, therefore, they begin to take care of the harmonious maturation of the fetus even before birth. But even if awareness comes with a delay, it is nevertheless never too late to start acting in a creative way! So, it has been decided - we are taking a course for persistent immunity.

Where to begin? Immunity, as an internal complex structure, is firmly composed of several fundamental factors. These are food, workouts, outdoor games, sound sleep and adherence to the daily routine. It is necessary to appoint fresh vegetables, fruits, herbs and cereals as the basis of the diet of a growing organism. Thus, you supply the body with vitamins and fiber, which will create a solid foundation for the child's immunity. Complex physical activities will form like bricks in this structure, which will develop the body harmoniously in many directions. Offer your child a variety of sports disciplines whenever possible. Before he can choose the most suitable physical practice for him, he needs to consider all the diversity of the world of sports hobbies. Breathing is also an essential part of life, and therefore health. In the modern world, living conditions often do not imply much concern for the ecology and preservation of a clean atmosphere, therefore, additional vigilance in this matter completely falls on the parent's shoulders. Organize regular walks for children in the fresh air, in the park or in the forest, go swimming in clean waters.

But do not forget about the air in your apartment, which you and your child breathe every day. It is necessary to introduce regular wet cleaning as a rule. Avoid dust accumulation in hard-to-reach places, and also be attentive to places with high humidity, preventing the formation of fungal parasites. If your child is already well enough on his feet, be sure to invite him to participate in the cleaning process together. Of course, he does not need to carry buckets or strain with a heavy mop, but he is quite capable of wiping the dust from the windowsill. Not only will the baby feel the joy of being able to help his parents, but he will also realize the breadth of his own independence. She will be very useful to him in adulthood.
