The problem of morbidity in young children is always relevant. Indeed, in the modern world, they are influenced by many factors that lead to a decrease in immunity.

If a child suffers from acute respiratory infections on average 10 times a year without any purulent complications, this does not mean that he has problems with immunity. Medications to regulate and support the immune system are necessary only for those children who have proven immunodeficiency. And this is extremely rare.
Huge first aid kit at home
As is often the case, when a child falls ill, he is immediately given a huge amount of drugs, including immunomodulators and antiviral drugs. Thus, parents prevent the child from forming an adequate immune response to an infectious lesion. If this treatment is abused, the child's immune system is unable to respond normally to the infection. The next time they encounter the virus, the child becomes ill again.
Early departure to kindergarten, school
One of the most common problems of working parents. If a child falls ill, he is left at home for three days. There he "fever", has a runny nose, sore throat. And as soon as the temperature drops, he is sent to kindergarten or school the next day.
High temperatures usually decrease on the third day of a cold. At this moment, the body's defense system is depleted, he spent all his resources and efforts to fight the infection. But he is immediately sent to contact with people, and there are literally several interactions with other children, and the child again comes with snot, a sore throat and a sore stomach.
In this case, the fault lies entirely with the parents, they did not allow the child to recover from the illness. What do we have to do? After spending a few days at home treating a cold, let your immune system recover. Allow the child to rest for another 3-4 days after, in your opinion, complete recovery.
It is necessary to establish a diet, walks, do not allow him to contact a large number of people. And then, at the next meeting with the disease, the immune system will be able to organize a full-fledged response.
Lack of physical activity
This problem is relevant for older children, for primary school. Such children practically do not walk on the street. They go maximum from school to home or from circle to circle. They go to a chess club, to English, to mathematics, but they don't know what running and pulling up is. That is, they have almost no physical activity.
Such children are very often sick. Give your child time to walk outside, to maintain health, he should walk for at least one hour a day. Also, a lot of time is spent on gadgets. There are developed standards for how much a child can be in front of the screen. No more than 20 minutes, after that he should rest about the same.
So, before you run to your pediatrician and ask for any immunity medications, check a few things. Does he have an established daily routine, nutrition? Is he getting all the vitamins he needs? Does he have enough adequate physical activity? Think about it and take care of your baby's health!