Children grow up so quickly that most of the clothes simply do not have time to wear out. And sometimes it lies in packages - beautiful, bright, could please both babies and their mothers, but only takes up space in the closet. Therefore, if there are no friends or relatives waiting to be added to the family, sooner or later the question arises: where to give the children's things?

Step 1
Children's homes and orphanages. This is the first thing that comes to mind when the question arises of where to give baby things. But in reality, not everything is so simple. Soft toys are unlikely to be taken, and plastic, wooden and metal - only on condition that they are in good condition. As for clothes and shoes, there are also a number of restrictions. Things should not be washed out, full of holes and frankly old-fashioned. In addition, it is worth remembering that childcare facilities in different regions are funded and provided in different ways. Therefore, the fact that in a Moscow orphanage a child may not be accepted will be a joy in the neighboring Ryazan region. There you can also take a highchair, a stroller, a bath and all the useful devices that can still serve.
Step 2
Dairy cuisine. Clothes, shoes and toys are often brought to the points of distribution of free baby food. And, it is worth noting, almost all things are sorted out within the first hour. The disadvantage of this option is that dairy kitchens work, as a rule, in the morning, and this is not convenient for everyone. To find out where the nearest point of distribution of free dairy products ("milk") is, just ask any woman with a child under two years old.
Step 3
Advertisements on the Internet. On free classifieds sites you can find people who need used children's clothing. If you don’t want to search, you can post information in the "give away" section with a contact phone number or e-mail. You can also attach photos of children's clothes to your ad. The advantage of this option is that you can agree on self-pickup and agree on a convenient meeting time. It also makes sense to register on children's websites, as a rule, they have sections where mothers exchange used children's things.