How To Take An Impression Of A Pen

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How To Take An Impression Of A Pen
How To Take An Impression Of A Pen

Video: How To Take An Impression Of A Pen

Video: How To Take An Impression Of A Pen
Video: How to take one-step impressions 2024, December

Impressions of children's hands and feet, along with photographs and videos, are a good way to leave a memory of who the baby was. Such casts can be ordered in creative workshops or made by yourself, at home.

How to take an impression of a pen
How to take an impression of a pen


  • - gypsum;
  • - alginate;
  • - any decorative paint.


Step 1

Buy alginate. This can be done in specialized stores that sell medical equipment - it is usually used in dentistry to make impressions of teeth and jaw. Three-phase alginate hardens quickly and changes color after hardening. Paint will be needed at the final stage of making the impression. You can purchase ready-made kits for the production of plaster casts. You can use regular dough instead of alginate.

Step 2

Prepare the alginate solution. Take a plastic container of a suitable size (it is better if it is large enough), pour in water and add alginate (1: 1, 5). Stir the mixture well, use a mixer until completely dissolved. Wait for the bubbles to subside (you can knock the dishes on the table). Since the alginate solidifies quickly, all preparatory manipulations should be done very quickly.

Step 3

If you are using dough, then knead the mixture of flour, salt, water and vegetable oil - the mass should be liquid, it should be boiled over a fire for three minutes.

Step 4

If the child is small, then it is better to take the impression while he sleeps - the baby will not jerk the pen, and you can do it quickly. A grown child can be interested and explain in advance why you need to dip the pen into the solution. Take the baby's handle and dip it into an alginate solution or flour composition - hold it in the mass for at least a minute. This time is enough for the solution to freeze and acquire a rubbery consistency. As soon as it stops sticking to the hand, we can assume that the solution is ready and the workpiece has turned out. Take out your hand carefully so as not to break the mold.

Step 5

Dissolve the plaster of Paris in water. Prepare warm water and pour gypsum powder into it, stirring to the consistency of a liquid paste. Pour the plaster into the prepared alginate mold and wait for the plaster to harden.

Step 6

Carefully separate the plaster cast from the adhering mass, removing individual particles. Sand the plaster mold by sanding it with fine emery paper. Attach the plaster handle to a stand, cover it with decorative paint, and decorate with fun lettering and drawings.
