First love, the purest and most innocent experiences in the soul of a teenager. Parents should be on their guard and not neglect the rules of communication with adolescents.

Step 1
When your child is overtaken by the first romantic experiences, the main goal of parents is to establish close, friendly relations, you should always be open to communication, ready to give advice and support.
Step 2
Even if the object of your growing child's affection is far from ideal, do not criticize or ridicule him. You can hurt the feelings of a teenager, he will cease to trust you and communicate on this topic.
Step 3
It is impossible to categorically prohibit, issue ultimatums, threaten, this will only inflame the teenager's feelings more and push him to exploits. Do not react aggressively to the child's falling in love, remain calm, otherwise the reaction will be the same.
Step 4
Do not immediately lecture about the dangers of early sexual activity, unwanted pregnancies and sexually transmitted diseases. Teenagers are just learning to communicate, establishing contact with each other and are not thinking about anything like that, and parents, by their actions, arouse interest in this topic in advance.
Step 5
During this difficult period, the teenager categorically perceives the teachings, so you can unobtrusively tell stories from your personal life about the difficulties that arose and how you overcame them. It is best to share personal experiences.
Step 6
Often, adolescents choose an inaccessible person as an object of love. You can't do without parental advice and support. Discuss a possible plan of action, how to start communicating, how to properly care for and show attention. Maintain your child's self-confidence. It may be worth changing your hairstyle, starting to play sports. So you can teach a child to do the right thing, to romanticism, this is much better than tears due to unrequited love, suffering and suicidal thoughts.
Step 7
If teenagers start dating, you can invite the object of your child's sighing, get to know each other, and build friendships. You will be able to personally see and appreciate the relationship of children. Allow youth to meet at home, teenagers will be supervised and they will not have to look for questionable meeting places.
Step 8
During adolescence, the growing up child demands respect. It is necessary to communicate with him on an equal footing, the only way, you will inspire confidence, and the teenager will be able to freely share all feelings and experiences.