Attentive and loving parents, who from day to day observe the growth and development of their child, in no case will miss the period of the manifestation of temperament in their child and will certainly take this important point into account in the process of educational work with him.

Attention, temperament
Even at an early age, you can notice that one child differs from another not only visually - height, weight, eye color. Children differ in the type of temperament. Temperament is not acquired with age, but is an innate feature of a person, so it is difficult to change or correct it. But it is necessary to know the temperament of the child - this will allow you to correctly understand the baby and reckon with his characteristics.
Temperament is the psychological characteristics of a person. A newborn child has already formed a nervous system, the individual characteristics of which in the future will affect the development of the child's psyche and emotional character. In addition, temperament determines how quickly and correctly the child assimilates new information, whether he is diligent, what his preferences are and to what type of activity he is more inclined.
Is temperament transmitted from parents
The temperament of the child is often similar to that of one of the parents. Whether temperament is inherited or whether children simply copy the behavior of their parents - there is no definite answer. But many children inherit temperaments from relatives who have never even been seen. This legacy manifests itself not only in terms of temperament, but also in external similarity. Sometimes a child inherits temperament from both parents equally. This explains the appearance in the family of children of different types by temperament.
When the temperament of the child is manifested
In the first years of life, as the child grows and develops, he acquires new knowledge and skills, his temperament changes and affects his adaptability to the environment, as well as emotional self-expression. Upon reaching school age, the character of the child and his temperament are already more formed and obvious to those close to him, therefore, in the future, it should not change dramatically. The innate characteristics of a person do not depend on the pedagogical skills of the parents. But still, the behavior of a preschool child should be periodically subject to delicate adjustments by parents.
Many scientists believe that the main properties of the character and temperament of a child are manifested during the formation of a personality - from 2 to 3 years. But it is possible to determine the type of temperament only after 3-4 years. It cannot be said that a person is a representative of one type of temperament (sanguine, phlegmatic, choleric or melancholic). The division into 4 types is conditional. Psychologists say that one person can be characterized by all four types of temperament, only one will still be the leading one.