In all relations with his beloved woman, a man always wants to be a good fellow. But even when everything seems to be good, premature ejaculation can ruin everything. There are several proven methods for dealing with this phenomenon.

Step 1
There are a variety of causes that cause premature ejaculation. Among them: sex with a new partner, stressful situation, depression, lack of confidence, physical trauma and hormonal changes, increased sensitivity, diseases of the genitourinary system. If you observe at least part of this list in your life, first try to solve these problems.
Step 2
There are some time-tested, practical tips for avoiding an unpleasant situation. It makes sense to try every one of them, but not all of them may work for you, so don't worry. Applying these tips regularly can help you get rid of male problems forever.
Step 3
The easiest way to increase the duration of the intercourse is to use condoms, they reduce the sensitivity of the glans penis. If you are very sensitive, use anesthetic condoms.
Step 4
While showering, direct the stream of water at the bare head, this also reduces its sensitivity.
Step 5
When you feel an orgasm approaching, try slowing down to one or two frictions per ten seconds. Move in this mode for a couple of minutes, it will help you cool down. This technique can be used several times during one act.
Step 6
Try to think about something distracted during sex, the visual component is very important in this process for men, respectively, by switching to a foreign object, you will delay orgasm.
Step 7
Try the technique of several “approaches”. Each time, the time it takes to ejaculate will increase. Accordingly, by the third or fifth time, your "approach" can last up to half an hour. However, do not overestimate the capabilities of your body. Alternatively, you can masturbate some time before the actual act. This will relieve stress and desensitize.
Step 8
Try taking an infusion of oak bark for a week. This will slow down arousal and raise the sensitivity threshold. But don't overdo it.