Treatment for early ejaculation is to eliminate its cause. Often, premature ejaculation is the result of physical illness or psychogenic factors, the elimination of which restores the man's control over the duration of intercourse.

Before deciding on methods of treatment for premature ejaculation, you should determine the cause. After all, it is precisely depending on why ejaculation occurs earlier than the man would like, and the way to solve this juicy problem is selected.
Premature ejaculation can be absolute or relative. An absolute type is the case when ejaculation occurs earlier than a minute after the immediate onset of sexual intercourse. The relative type, accordingly, is when ejaculation does not occur in a minute, but earlier than the man or his sexual partner would like.
The absolute type of premature ejaculation: causes and treatment
The absolute type of premature ejaculation often occurs against the background of various diseases and congenital problems with the genitals. These include the hypersensitivity of the glans penis. In fact, the hypersensitivity of the head does not belong to the list of diseases, but it is especially vivid sensations in this part of the penis that make it impossible to have sex for a long time. Hypersensitivity is "treated" with local use of anesthetics or by surgical denervation of the glans penis.
Of the diseases, inflammatory processes in the pelvic organs, neurological diseases, including the consequences of serious injuries to the pelvic bones and spine, as well as endocrinological problems, can be to blame for the appearance of premature ejaculation. If such problems are identified, the treatment of premature ejaculation begins with the elimination of the disease-cause, which is often quite enough and additional therapy is not required.
Another source of ejaculation problems is the psychogenic factor. So, the culprit of premature ejaculation can be a passion for masturbation or a long break in sexual relations. In this case, regular practice of classical sexual relations, as well as a tolerant attitude to the problem on the part of the sexual partner, can help solve the problem with premature ejaculation.
The relative type of premature ejaculation: causes and treatment
When it is possible to refrain from ejaculation for more than a minute after the onset of intercourse, but it still does not work to control ejaculation, the reason lies solely in the psychogenic factor.
If the experience in sexual relations at the time of the discovery of the problem is not rich, then there is no reason to worry. With regular practice, the ability to control the process of ejaculation will come naturally. In this case, the main thing is not to dwell on the problem, because imposing an inferiority complex on oneself can only aggravate the situation. Also, regular practice is used to treat premature ejaculation in men who previously took a long break in sexual relations.