The list of techniques for having sex should be viewed as a set of recipes. It is not at all necessary to prepare every dish; some of the dishes will be disappointing. But you should definitely try them.

In families, the rules for having sex are determined individually. But it is precisely the lack of a framework that gives people the opportunity to completely surrender to pleasure and overcome the alienation and indifference that is forming over time.
How to harmonize sexual relations
Take the lead. Indifference leads to reciprocal indifference. And women do not need to wait until her chosen one guesses to show an intimate interest in her.
Ladies should not go ahead and talk about the desire to indulge in love joys. The intimate atmosphere excludes the presence of any claims and ultimatums. Women are endowed with a wonderful gift - the ability to seduce.
Even an ordinary change of clothes can be turned into a very erotic event. Bringing a towel into the bathroom, coquetry, casual touching, and other feminine tricks are powerful tools in arousing masculine interest.
Make changes to your intimate life. Boring and monotonous sex can ruin a relationship a lot. Therefore, they should be engaged in as varied as possible. This factor is a prerequisite that warms up interest in each other.
It is necessary to fantasize and constantly fill the intimate sphere with a variety of exciting nuances. Romantic music, lace underwear, candles will do. A good solution would be to use accessories from an adult store or watch a movie with romantic content together.
Eliminate complexes in yourself. Puritan views of the intimate sphere should be left outside the bedroom doors of loving people. Here fantasies are required, so getting rid of shyness is necessary. Sexual dreams should not be kept silent.
Their embodiment together with a partner is a source of pleasure for lovers. If you can't come up with suitable options on your own, you can borrow ideas from books and films with erotic content. Stereotypes must be abandoned, harmony in the relationship between a man and a woman is worth it.
It is correct to have sex the way your body and heart dictate. People have different preferences and tastes. The main task is to bring as much pleasure as possible to your loved one.
Is it worth faking an orgasm
You should not deceive your partner. There is no place for altruism in sex; receiving pleasure by a woman is a prerequisite. The lack of orgasm is bad for her health.
After she experiences it, the vessels of the small pelvis are unloaded from excessive filling with blood. And because of the simulation, this component does not disappear. As a result, stagnation occurs, the woman begins to suffer from gynecological problems.