You are tired of fighting the fact that your husband does not want to help you, and you are forced to wash, wash, knock out carpets when he is peacefully resting on the couch with a magazine in his hands. The most common mistake women make when starting a family life is misbehaving with a loved one. Positioning themselves as an independent person, the girls carry bags, move furniture, and repair the drain barrel. And a man just gives you the opportunity to be strong. Moreover, if it works, but you do not. He has brought the spoil and can rest. And it will be much more difficult to change the situation in the future.

Step 1
The most important thing will be to change your attitude towards yourself, your beloved. If you save on buying new boots for yourself, feel uncomfortable that part of the family budget is spent on you, then the man will subconsciously strive to make you feel comfortable. And, believe me, you can, if not be left without boots, then get the cheapest. Needless to say, your husband won't feel like giving gifts to you.
Step 2
Do not put pressure on him, forcing him to help around the house. You just need to be a woman with ordinary weaknesses so that a man can prove himself, feel necessary. For example, explain gently that you should not lift anything heavy.
Step 3
Praise a man more often for any work done so that he wants to hear more and more praise from you.
Step 4
If you need something, say it casually so that it sounds like a wish, not an order.
Step 5
Be sure to tell him what will be the benefit for the man himself from this or that step taken. Let him think it over, and perhaps appropriate the idea to himself, but this is not so important, the main thing is that he will start to act.
Step 6
In order for him to start doing something for you, first surprise him yourself: an unexpected gift, a joint trip to the cinema, seductive lingerie. Only then can you expect that your wishes will be heeded.