The news of a betrayal of a spouse often makes the same impression as a thunderbolt with lightning in the middle of a clear day. Upon learning that a husband has a mistress, women experience severe stress, sometimes leading to prolonged depression. You need to calm down and pull yourself together, no matter how difficult it is. A sober mind will help you find a solution to the problem, but tears and despair will not lead to anything good.

Step 1
First of all, you need to weigh the pros and cons of marrying a man who is cheating. How long have you been together? Are you depending on him for any reason? How carefully did he hide the connection on the side? If your husband did not even try to properly disguise his adventures, there is a high probability that cheating will be repeated from time to time, since for him it is in the order of things. Ask yourself the main question - can you forgive cheating and forget about it? With a negative answer, it makes sense to think about divorce, since negative emotions will poison your future life together.
Step 2
The decision to fight for your happiness will take some effort on your part. Having received the coveted stamp in the passport and a wedding ring on their finger, many women relax and do nothing in order to maintain the man's interest. Try to take a critical look at yourself. Gym or pool membership, as well as a new wardrobe, have never bothered anyone. Engage in sexual self-education, read specialized literature for those who want to diversify their intimate life. Let your husband know that he is attracted to you as a man, do everything to bring new colors to the marriage.
Step 3
If your husband's lover is your ex or current girlfriend, you have significant advantages on your side. Use everything you know about her against her. Gently talk about her adventures, which constantly lead her to an antenatal clinic, and even to a skin and venereal clinic. Remember all the secrets that the young lady has ever shared with you, and skillfully put your rival in a bad light. Even the most innocent information, if correctly submitted, will turn into lethal compromising evidence.
Step 4
When the lover is unfamiliar to you, try to find out who she is and where you can meet her. Often catch her eye in the company of your husband, demonstrating as naturally as possible that you have a complete idyll in a relationship. Unobtrusively dissolve rumors in your social circle that your husband is persuading you to take a child or travel around the world, while you are still thinking. The world is small, and they will certainly be passed on to your rival.
Step 5
Collect as much information about your mistress as is sufficient to form an impression of her character and habits. Social networks will come to your aid. It is advisable to observe her and copy some of the features of her behavior. From time to time, caricature the traits or favorite phrases of your opponent in such a way as to cause everyone to laugh. The effect is guaranteed if you give this little performance in the presence of people who know her and your husband. A woman who has become a laughingstock instantly loses all her attractiveness to a man.