Yesterday you happily spent time with him, but today the relationship has lost its intensity, I want to forget about them and take a little break from violent passions. But what if the annoying gentleman still does not give you a pass, not realizing that he has been retired?

Step 1
Do not return his calls and SMS, especially if you have already repeatedly explained to him that everything is over between you. He will ask for forgiveness, beg for the last chance, and again you will have to utter an unpleasant tirade that the feelings have passed. Better just ignore it.
Step 2
Do not accept gifts from him, even if he assures that they are parting offerings. In an effort to buy your attention, he is ready for anything. Your task is to resist the temptation and prevent him from returning, using your love for original gizmos.
Step 3
In no case do not threaten him, do not insult him, so you can provoke an inadequately aggressive reaction. The self-esteem of the abandoned man is already wounded, so be patient. Not receiving a response from you, he will gradually calm down, but this takes time.
Step 4
Drive guilt away. Most likely, you are not at all an evil person by nature, and looking at the suffering of the former, but still your beloved, is beyond your strength. Take a little vacation, get distracted, switch to other concerns.
Step 5
Find a new beau. Let the retired man know that you are not alone, he is unlikely to want to bother you in the presence of another boyfriend. Of course, this method hits man's vanity pretty hard, but it is one of the most effective.
Step 6
Talk to him frankly. For a meeting, it is better to choose a place where you have never dated each other. Tell them that you are tired of his persecution. Offer to part with friends. Hint that you are giving him one last chance to remain a strong man in your eyes, and not a weak-willed mama's son who cannot stand rejection.
Step 7
Introduce him to an unmarried friend who is struggling with loneliness. Perhaps they will make a wonderful couple, and you will finally be able to sleep peacefully at night without listening to the next tearful revelations of the ex about his "ruined life." Now he will have something to do in the dark.