The reasons why women who have lost their spouse seek to remarry are different. Some of them coped with the loss and found the strength to carry on with their lives. Other widows understand that children need a father, and a woman herself needs male support.

Peace of mind as the beginning of a new happy life for a woman
In order for a woman who has buried her husband to marry again, it is necessary to find peace of mind. The loss of a loved one is a huge tragedy that deprives of vitality, destroys goals and plans, hits a woman's most vulnerable places. For a woman who sees the death of a loved one, loneliness becomes unbearable, for most of them the meaning of life is erased for a while without a beloved spouse.
That is why it is necessary to build new relationships only after the woman psychologically overcomes such a situation. Otherwise, a deliberately unfortunate outcome awaits her: constant memories of the deceased spouse, comparisons, remorse, various anxieties will not allow building new full-fledged relationships.
It is known that time can heal even the worst experiences. In this situation, faith in God and religion helps a lot. It is believed that death is the release of the human soul from the physical body for its further eternal life in the Kingdom of Heaven. According to this logic, the souls of loved ones and loved ones will definitely meet. Therefore, having accepted the situation, a woman should understand that every person on earth has his own life interval, his own tasks and his own destiny.
Therefore, you need to find the strength to preserve the bright memory of your deceased spouse, to pray for him, to believe that God's plans are always kinder and purer than our earthly plans.
Thus, a woman who has decided to marry again needs to get rid of the position of the victim, overcome fears, learn to look at life in a new way, trust God, love life. After all, the basis of a harmonious relationship between a man and a woman is mutual love and trust.
To find new love, you need to open your heart towards it
A woman needs to forgive herself, because most widows blame themselves for the death of their spouse for various reasons. Some believe that they did not take good care of their husband and loved him, others for a long time underestimated his care and made claims, and still others quarreled with him on the eve of his death, without having time to apologize.
A woman needs to "reassemble" her inner world and love herself. It is necessary to learn to look at yourself in a new way, to find hobbies, hobbies, to realize oneself in the spiritual sphere.
It is necessary to find many reasons and thank herself and God for them: for the fact that she found the strength to go further; for giving love to children and raising them and others.
It is important to realize that all events and meetings take place exactly at the right moment, are given to a person when he is ready for them. Thoughts alone are not enough, because what is needed is the state and attitude of a woman. Only after doing the work to find peace of mind, a woman can be ready for a new meeting, a new love.
Loving a person means disinterestedly giving him your positive energy, sharing your spiritual strength. But until a woman is filled with such energy, it is difficult for her to be with another man, and a man will not be comfortable enough with her. Thus, when a woman begins to radiate the energy of love and peace, she will meet her partner.