There is an opinion that it is very difficult for single women with children to get married, but most of them, sooner or later, still find their man, who is not afraid of the prospect of raising someone else's child.

Why single mothers are attracted to men
Many modern young girls are so demanding of their boyfriends that they simply frighten men. Under the influence of advertising and the media, young beauties form the opinion that a man must certainly be wealthy, successful and, of course, generous - to give jewelry, fur coats, and even cars with houses. Young people subconsciously feel that they are "not pulling" and try to stay away from such ladies. It is quite another matter - a girl with a child. She is already wise and experienced enough not to build castles in the air and not demand the impossible from men. There has already been at least one unsuccessful romance in her life, from which she probably made many conclusions regarding how one should and should not behave with representatives of the opposite sex. Somewhere by affection, somewhere by cunning, such women quite quickly win over the men they like. In addition, divorced women are often much more experienced in bed: they are quite liberated, they know how to enjoy themselves and deliver it to their partner, which drives especially passionate guys crazy.
The mother is, first of all, the mistress. Single women with a child are very attracted to men by their housekeeping: their house is always clean and comfortable, they cook deliciously, know how to plan a budget and spend money wisely. Not every childless young girl can boast of such skills, rather the opposite: modern young ladies often boast that they do not cook and dream of housekeepers, not to mention throwing money down the drain.
Someone else's child can become a family
Contrary to popular belief, not all men are afraid of the prospect of raising someone else's child, since many of them themselves grew up in an incomplete family. Indeed, the statistics of divorce in our country is simply huge, and not every boy lived with his own father. As adults, such men often strive to create strong families and easily accept other people's children, as they perfectly understand the feelings of a child who does not have a dad.
Often, the decision to marry a divorced woman is made by men who, for some reason, do not want or cannot have children. They know that sooner or later every woman will want a child, therefore they choose those who have already satisfied their maternal instinct and will not put pressure on them in the future. Often, divorced men who have children from previous marriages are guided by the same considerations when looking for a life partner.