Relationships involve total dedication. With a partner you have to share not only a bed or a bathroom, but also emotions, opinions, time, energy. Only in this case it is possible to achieve complete mutual understanding. But sometimes, tired of constant contact, a girl may want to be alone.

The desire to be alone is not a reason for men's panic
Girls who have been in a relationship for a long time often have a desire to distance themselves a little from their partner. However, you should not be afraid of such behavior: this is not necessarily a "bell" that she wants to leave. It's just that sometimes your partner needs an emotional "reset."
Alone, a girl can calmly ponder many questions and find answers to many of them. Especially often sensitive and creative natures want to be alone with themselves. If the girl does not get the privacy she wants, it can result in a scandal or a quarrel.
The desire to be alone can also be a signal for a partner that not everything is in order in a relationship. Perhaps this need is just a way to get your attention. Try to take a closer look at the behavior of your passion and understand if it is not played and whether the lady really wants privacy. There is a real chance that by expressing such a desire, the girl simply expects a decisive step from you, which will bring something new into the relationship.
If a girl's desire to be alone occurs at the very beginning of a relationship, this may also have its own reasons that are not related to you. First, your chosen one may turn out to be an introvert. People of this type sometimes need loneliness to restore psychological balance.
Secondly, many girls are very susceptible to hormonal surges. Depending on the phase of the menstrual cycle, the behavior of your chosen one can vary greatly. Also, the girl may not want to show you her hysterical character during PMS, and therefore tries to survive it on her own.
Seclusion for serious circumstances
Sometimes girls want to be alone for a reason. This desire can be a disturbing sign. There is a possibility that your darling needs privacy to make a difficult but necessary decision.
For example, a girl might have been dating another (or several) young man for some time in parallel with you. Having “tested” the available options, she wants to go into the shadows for a while in order to analyze everything and make her choice. Another similar situation: her ex-boyfriend appeared on the horizon, who offers to start the relationship anew. If the feelings have not cooled down to the end, the girl will want to retire and think carefully about everything.
However, the desire to be alone does not at all signal that your passion is a "multi-lane". Perhaps, in her opinion and feelings, the relationship with you is gradually coming to a standstill. To understand her feelings for you, to appreciate their seriousness and desire to continue the relationship (or dissolve it), the girl may need some privacy.
It is very difficult to understand what the situation is in your pair. A frank conversation or any of your decisive steps can help. You should not deny a girl privacy - this can provoke a quarrel and aggression, an unnecessary disagreement. Stay calm, let the lady be alone, recuperate and make the necessary decision.