How To Prevent Your First Pregnancy

How To Prevent Your First Pregnancy
How To Prevent Your First Pregnancy

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Everyone's attitude to pregnancy is different - someone dreams of expanding their family and getting offspring, someone is not rushing things. Postponing the first pregnancy is often required by financial circumstances, a career, or health problems. In order not to find unwanted two strips on the test, you must protect yourself.

How to prevent your first pregnancy
How to prevent your first pregnancy


Step 1

Modern pharmacology offers a huge selection of contraceptives. They are divided into hormonal, barrier and emergency. The selection of all contraceptives, except for barrier ones, requires a mandatory consultation with a gynecologist, and in some cases, tests for hormone levels.

Step 2

Barrier means The most reliable contraceptive that will protect you not only from unwanted pregnancies, but also from sexually transmitted infections is a condom. The reliability of protection, when used correctly, is 98%. The main thing when using this method is to follow all the recommendations - to choose the correct size, not to use ordinary creams as a lubricant, but only special lubricating gels. To prevent unwanted pregnancy, a condom should be worn before intercourse, not during. After intercourse, the condom must be tied up and disposed of in the trash chute.

Step 3

Emergency Remedies It happens that the condom breaks or falls off during intercourse. In this case, in order not to get pregnant, it is necessary to use emergency contraception. It consists of two pills high in hormones. You must take the first pill within 72 hours (however, the sooner the better), the second pill is taken 12 hours after taking the first. A high dose of hormones leads to uterine bleeding, that is, it causes menstruation. This method is not recommended for frequent use and does not protect against sexually transmitted infections. After using emergency contraception, the menstrual cycle gets lost. Therefore, if you had to apply it, after the bleeding is over, visit your gynecologist.

Step 4

Hormonal contraceptives Oral contraceptives (OCs) are the most reliable long-acting contraceptives. The older generation has a sharply negative attitude towards oral contraceptives, however, one should not listen to such an opinion. Indeed, the first OCs contained a high dose of hormones and were exclusively single-phase, which is not suitable for everyone, especially for young girls of fertile age who did not want to have a child during this period. Taking OK led to swelling, disruption of the general hormonal background and metabolism and, as a consequence, excess weight in most cases. Modern oral contraceptives are of various types (three-phase, monophasic, high or low hormone). They do not give such side effects, and many, on the contrary, improve the condition of hair and skin. In order to choose the right oral contraceptives, it is necessary to consult a gynecologist, an endocrinologist and a blood test for hormones. This method of contraception practically eliminates the chance of getting pregnant, but does not protect against sexually transmitted infections, therefore it is suitable for regular partners.

Step 5

It is necessary to start taking oral contraceptives on the first day of the menstrual cycle (it is possible on the second, but not later than the third). If you have just started taking OK, then within 7 days from the start of taking you must also protect yourself with condoms. You should also do the same if you miss a pill. If you remember that you missed a pill within 24 hours, then drink it, if not, take the next one from the package. Never take two tablets at once - this can lead to uncontrolled bleeding that requires stopping with special medications.
