How To Give Cheese To A Child

How To Give Cheese To A Child
How To Give Cheese To A Child

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Some mothers try very closely to monitor the nutrition of their babies. Yes, and pediatricians advise to feed the child according to the rules in order to prevent the emergence of health problems in the future. A product such as cheese is very useful, but few know whether it can be given to a child and at what age.

How to give cheese to a child
How to give cheese to a child


Step 1

Cheese contains a large amount of calcium, which is necessary for the strength of bones, nails, hair and teeth. In addition, this product contains a lot of protein, which means it is a source of amino acids necessary for the beneficial functioning of the body. Nutritionists say that cheese contains more amino acids than meat, and it is absorbed much better. Vitamin A, which is contained in this product, has a beneficial effect on vision, and B vitamins improve metabolic processes and help to strengthen the walls of blood vessels.

Step 2

However, despite the benefits of cheese, the protein it contains puts a great strain on the kidneys of the baby, and fats and salts are poorly absorbed by the child's body. Therefore, introduce this product into the child's diet only from 11-12 months. By this age, the baby's digestive tract is already more strengthened and capable of processing many products. This is due to the fact that the permeability of the intestinal mucosa decreases, and components that improve the digestion of such food begin to be produced.

Step 3

Start giving cheese carefully - no more than 5 grams per day. The weekly rate should be no more than 25 grams. It is best to introduce hard cheeses into the diet. Cut it into thin slices and rub on a fine grater.

Step 4

Approach the choice of cheese very responsibly, do not buy a cheap product, it may be of poor quality, and accordingly there is a risk of allergic reactions in the baby.

Step 5

Give preference to low-fat, light-salted cream cheeses without any additives or spices. Never give your child moldy cheese. For small children, such a product is categorically contraindicated.

Step 6

Take a great deal of responsibility for the baby's nutrition and then you will not face sudden allergic reactions or problems with the gastrointestinal tract.
