During pregnancy, many women want to know the gender of their baby. This information will be interesting not only out of curiosity, but also for practical purposes: think over the design of a children's room, buy clothes and toys for the desired gender. There are ways to determine the gender of a baby before birth, but the accuracy is far from 100%. So you shouldn't rely on folk omens.

Step 1
The appetite of the expectant mother is an excellent indicator for determining the sex of the child. It is believed that while carrying a boy, women eat more to give strength to the future hero. At the same time, preference is given to meat, salty or sour dishes. Pregnant girls tend to eat less, choosing sweet foods and fruits. It is worth paying attention to how a pregnant woman eats bread. If he starts with a crumb, then he is waiting for a son, and if he tears off a crumb - for a daughter.
Step 2
Severe toxicosis indicates that the woman is pregnant with a boy. During the gestation of a girl, pregnancy is easier and calmer, and toxicosis either does not torment at all, or quickly stops. This is explained by the fact that male hormones upset the balance in the female body, and it develops something like an "allergy".
Step 3
Appearance as a whole can also tell the future gender of the child. It is believed that the little girl takes away the beauty of the mother, and the pregnant woman looks worse than before the pregnancy. Hair dulls, skin color deteriorates, acne may appear on the face. They associate this with the fact that the daughter takes female hormones from her mother's body and this worsens the metabolism. And when carrying a boy, women seem to bloom and become more beautiful every day: hair becomes thick and shiny, skin is clean and smooth. However, a boy's pregnancy is often accompanied by dry skin of the hands. But future mothers of girls do not face such a problem. A light halo of nipples foreshadows the appearance of a son, a darker one - of a daughter.

Step 4
Pay attention to the legs - during pregnancy with a boy, more hair grows on them, they are colder than usual and more swollen. With girls, everything remains the same and no changes are observed.
Step 5
Mom's behavior and changes in her character can help predict the sex of the baby. Capricious, emotional and quickly irritated women are more likely to have daughters. And calm and balanced women carry a son under their hearts.
Step 6
The well-being of the mother is highly dependent on the baby in the tummy. Boys charge a woman with energy, she becomes more active, she does not sit still and all the time she wants to do something. But girls take all their strength, causing drowsiness, sluggishness and a desire to lie down longer in bed.
Step 7
While carrying a daughter, women retain their gracefulness, but with their son, their gait changes and becomes clumsy. More often they stumble, bump into furniture, jambs and ledges, so you should be careful.
Step 8
If you ask a pregnant woman to show her hands, then the expectant girl will most likely turn her palms up. And if instead he shows his hands with the back side, then he is waiting for the boy.
Step 9
The shape of the abdomen can also differ depending on the gender of the child. Girls usually hide in a wide, melon-like belly, which is bursting at the sides. And the boys are in a round and neat tummy, like a soccer ball. It is also worth paying attention to which direction the top of the abdomen is looking: if to the right, you should prepare for your son, and if to the left, for your daughter.

Step 10
The date of conception can tell the sex of the child, or rather how much time is left before ovulation. If intercourse occurred on the same day as ovulation, then there is a high probability of conceiving a boy. A girl can be conceived a couple of days before ovulation. There is an easier way - to compare the age of the mother and the year of conception. If both digits are even, then there will be a girl, if one of the digits is odd, then there will be a boy.
Step 11
The behavior of the baby inside the belly says a lot. Girls behave more calmly, and boys often move, kick and show character in other ways. Moreover, most often they push in the bladder, and girls - in the liver or ribs.
Step 12
Simple fortune telling can reveal the gender of the child. To do this, you need a needle with white thread. Holding the end of the thread with your right hand, place the needle directly over your left hand, opening it with your palm up. The needle should be lowered three times between the index and thumb, and then positioned a centimeter above the palm of your hand. If the needle starts spinning, it means there is a girl in the stomach, if it starts walking from side to side, it means a boy. In some versions of fortune telling, you need to hold the needle directly above the stomach.
Step 13
Fortune telling with a key is even easier, but according to reviews it is not so reliable. It is enough to put one key in front of a pregnant woman, without a ring or bundle, and ask to take it. If he takes it for the long and narrow part, it means that he expects a girl, if for the round part, he expects a boy.
Step 14
Other children can tell the sex of the child by their behavior, because they are very sensitive to such things. It is believed that if a boy, who has just learned to walk, hovers around a pregnant woman, then she carries a baby under her heart. If he ignores her presence, then she is expecting a son. Remember the first word of your oldest child, if any, and it will indicate the gender of the child. "Mom" is a girl, "Dad" is a boy.
Step 15
Parental behavior and attitudes can program the specific gender of the child. Having an active sex life before conceiving a child increases the chances of getting a girl, and if you pause, there will be a boy. If dad prefers tight-fitting underwear, most likely he will get a boy, and a lover of "family members" - a girl. Think about who in a couple loves their spouse more? If a wife loves her husband more than he loves her, then they will have a daughter, and if, on the contrary, a son.

Step 16
An ultrasound scan is the most accurate way to find out the gender of a baby before birth. From 14-16 weeks, you can see who you are waiting for, if the baby does not hide behind his hands. But even such a study does not guarantee the accuracy of the results. Therefore, it will be possible to find out the sex of the child only after birth, only then can you be sure that the information is reliable.