Family evenings are fun activities that foster even greater bonding between parents and their children. And to remember all the interesting moments will help a personal questionnaire about the child, where a caring mother once wrote down all the remarkable facts from his life.

notebook, pens with paste of different colors, colored pencils, felt-tip pens, eraser, magazine clippings, photographs of a child
Step 1
Start keeping your baby's questionnaire at birth. Write down every interesting event in your baby's life.
Step 2
Take a notebook and decorate it to your liking. For example, paint on the cover or glue it over with children's magazine clippings or pictures of a child.
Step 3
On the first page, write basic information about the baby: day and time of birth, weight and height at birth. Indicate his eye color, hair and other features. To make the feature page look more colorful, add a baby photo.
Step 4
Tell us a little about yourself: dates of birth, occupation, brief description, etc.
Step 5
Consider a list of standard questions to begin the story of each month of your baby's first year. Choose the most informative aspects that give a complete picture of your baby's development. In the questionnaire, do not limit yourself to just answering "Yes" or "No". Give the full characteristics of the child at each stage of his life.
Step 6
A dry narration is accompanied by photographs of events that are significant for your child: the first step, the first tooth, the first birthday, etc. Save your child's drawings, which can also be used as a design for the questionnaire.
Step 7
As your child grows older, gradually shorten the period for entering data and bring it to one year. Add new questions with each subsequent entry.
Step 8
Remember that the questionnaire should indicate not only changes in the basic parameters of the child, for example, height, but also contain a general story about his life.