The rhythm of a modern woman is arranged in such a way that even during pregnancy one has to solve serious problems: to defend a diploma, prepare for exams, make repairs in the room of a future baby and others. The changes occurring in the body of a pregnant woman make her more emotional to everything that happens.

Pregnancy is accompanied by various experiences that are provoked by the hormonal changes in the woman's body. A pregnant woman's psyche changes, and hence her view of the world around her as a whole.
The expectant mother becomes emotional and whiny, worried about many issues, because she feels a huge responsibility for the unborn child.
How to reduce anxiety while working on a diploma
Undoubtedly, the stress of the upcoming defense of the thesis will adversely affect the body of the expectant mother. Therefore, a pregnant woman needs to avoid emotional distress.
In order to successfully defend the thesis during pregnancy, but at the same time not to harm yourself and the fetus with unnecessary stress, you must adhere to the following recommendations.
Do not set high goals for yourself while working on your degree. Do not seek to the detriment of rest to finish writing the work in a short time. Allow yourself to get not the desired "excellent", but "good" as an assessment.
The main thing in working on a diploma is to stay calm, protecting yourself from the negative influence of anxiety and anxiety.
Take breaks
When working at a computer while writing a thesis, you should take regular breaks. Go out for short walks, breathe fresh air, calmly think about further work on writing a diploma.
Try not to sit at the computer for several hours in a row, work at a leisurely pace, being distracted by rest. During breaks in work on your thesis, do whatever is fun: draw, listen to your favorite music, read magazines.
If you notice the first signs of overwork from working at the computer, immediately put off work on your diploma for a while. Brew a healthy herbal tea and think about the pleasant. It should be noted that herbal teas contain useful substances and also have a calming effect on the nervous system.
Try to think positively
In order to reduce anxiety, strengthen your faith in successful graduation with positive affirmations, such as: “I have enough time to solve all the problems”, “I successfully defended my thesis!”.
Affirmations like this help change the way of thinking and also contribute to a woman's positive mood.
Pause your diploma preparation and do simple gymnastic exercises for pregnant women.
Get enough sleep, as poor sleep and lack of sleep are common causes of irritability and increased emotionality.