In life, situations arise when the rights of children are violated. Moreover, they can be violated by parents, the state, and individuals. Parents are obliged to protect the rights of their child, if they are inactive or they themselves abuse their right - the guardianship authorities, the prosecutor's office, the court should be involved. The question is extremely multifaceted and complex. What if your child is being bullied at school?

Step 1
Your child has come home from school and complains that the teacher has lowered his grade again. Or he does not take into account the knowledge of the student, but the behavior. Explain to your child that any assessment other than the final certification is very subjective. It is difficult to assess the degree of fairness of the teacher during the "current progress". But, if you are really sure that your child is maliciously underestimating the current grades, contact the school principal (preferably in writing) with a request to assess the student's real knowledge. The director is obliged to appoint a special commission to conduct the audit. By the way, the child himself can apply.
Step 2
Often the child complains about his own peers. Parents have a question - to intervene in the conflict or should he find a way out of this situation himself? Teachers try to distance themselves from the showdown, taking the position that children must learn to solve problems themselves. But often, ordinary conflicts result in outright bullying, and this cannot be ignored. Firstly, children get the idea that humiliation is the norm, and secondly, a child can break his psyche and no psychologists will help him.
Step 3
First, try to talk to the parents of the abuser, who arranged for your child to "persecute". Convince them to take action. If this is not enough, contact the police department with a written statement, and preferably the commission on juvenile affairs. As a rule, the commission deals with difficult children.
Step 4
And if the teacher is mocking? It is not uncommon for him to insult a child and even hit. The school must protect all participants in the pedagogical process, and therefore students. In this case, you should write a statement to the director on behalf of the student and parents with a request to conduct an official investigation. It is the school's responsibility to respond to your application. If the matter is very serious, then write a statement to the prosecutor's office and the court.
Step 5
Children themselves are extremely inattentive, and as a result, injuries occur. During the educational process, teachers are responsible for the safety of children. If a student is injured, he is obliged to call a doctor, as a rule, there is a medical worker at each school, notify the parents and find out the culprit of the incident. If it is difficult to establish the cause of the injury, then an internal investigation should be carried out and the parents should write a statement of verification addressed to the director.
Step 6
As a parent, it is your responsibility to help your child cope with difficult life situations and defend their rights.